December 26, 2023

The Lord forgets no one, he knows your expectations, your needs - Christian
Don't waste your time dwelling over the past, you must look to the future with hope - Christian
“Lean back” feat. Christina Onstott
7min 5sec
Cross Point Music présente « Lean back », une chanson qu’il interprète avec Christina Onstott. Ce groupe existe pour aider les gens à trouver et à suivre Jésus et se veut être un endroit où tout le monde est la bienvenue, car personne n'est parfait, et avec Jésus, tout est possible.
Let us never forget to thank God for all his blessings! - Christian
Faith changes circumstances... - Christian
God is interested in your wounds... - Christian
God loves your family deeply, take care - Christian
God can give you the strength to overcome rejection and continue to reach out to others - Christian
“Lean Back” feat. Meredith Morgan
6min 39sec
Let us pray for one another - Christian
God has placed a dream on your heart, you must fulfill it! - Christian
May God arm you with courage as you face all your challenges - Christian
God must remain our priority, no matter how rich we are - Christian
God can heal you, have faith in Him! - Christian
Stop blaming yourself, God has a plan for you - Christian
God can get you out of the trouble you are in, He can change circumstances - Christian
Put God at the heart of your relationships, he will connect you with the right people - Christian
Forgiveness is above all, liberating for you but also for the people whose forgiveness you release - Christian
When we pray, prayers go up and blessings come down - Christian
With God there is always hope - Christian
God will provide again - Christian
Peace in the midst of hardship - Christian
Don't worry about tomorrow - Christian
Always serve the Lord with zeal! - Christian
The Lord has equipped you to withstand this storm - Christian
Adopt today a winner's mentality, put your trust in God - Christian
The Lord fights by your side and by his grace you will have victory - Christian
The Lord has everything under His control even when things seem to be beyond our control - Christian