Adopt today a winner’s mentality, put your trust in God – Christian

But in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

When facing life’s obstacles, we have two choices. Either doubt the Lord’s ability to change circumstances and remove obstacles. Or trust the Lord, believing that He can do everything and that nothing is impossible for Him. The Bible encourages us to adopt a winner’s mentality. Isn’t it written: we are more than conquerors through Him who first loved us? The Bible does not say we are conquerors, but we are more than conquerors! 

I don’t know what you are going through today but I would like to encourage you to walk by faith, to trust the Lord. We are reminded in the scriptures that the people of Israel were in a humanly impossible situation, trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army. 

Honestly, no one would have wanted to be in Moses’ place. Faced with this impossibility, God manifested His victory! A path opened up where none existed! It is important to have a mentality of victory, to advance by faith and not by fear. Sooner or later the doors will open…

Adopt today a winning mentality, put your trust in God. Do not slacken in prayer, God will open unexpected paths! 


Christian K

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