Always serve the Lord with zeal! – Christian

Be zealous, not lazy. Be fervent in spirit. Serve the Lord. Romans 12:11

As the years go by, our passion for the Lord may diminish. The causes can be many: life’s trials, sickness, unemployment, celibacy. The Lord asks us to be vigilant.  We must remain passionate about Jesus, even if we see in our assemblies people who had started well and who, in time, gave up. We have started well and we must end well with the Lord.

 On the way, we will encounter obstacles, we will experience difficult situations, some people will reject us, others will betray or despise us. Jesus also lived through all of this but how did He manage to stay on track? He was determined to carry out the plan our heavenly Father had for Him, no matter what challenges He faced. Jesus was a man of prayer!  Don’t let life’s circumstances hold you back. You must watch over and maintain the zeal you have for the Lord. You must remain passionate! 

Are we zealous for the things of the Kingdom of God or more zealous for earthly things? King David used to say: the zeal of your house devours me.  We must seek the things from above more than earthly needs. Let us always make God our priority and He will take care of the rest…

The zeal we have for the Lord will drive us to witness His love around us like our elders John Wesley, Charles Finney, John G Lake… They were ready to conquer the world for Jesus! John Wesley rode thousands of miles on horseback to proclaim the Gospel. Stay on the road! Stay passionate!


Christian K

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