Don’t worry about tomorrow – Christian

Which one of you, by his worries, can add a cubit to his life? Matthew 6.27

In the Scriptures, it is specified 366 times “Do not be afraid”. In Matthew 6 verse 33, the Lord makes us this promise: if we first seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, the rest will be given to us above. In this passage, Jesus is telling us that if we make God our priority, he will provide the rest …

When we understand the meaning of this verse, then we refuse to worry because we know that God will take care of us. As someone once expressed it, if we take care of our heavenly Father’s business, He will take care of our business. Why then worry about tomorrow when God has promised that He will provide for all your needs?

God knows our nature, and that is why we find many verses in scripture that encourage us not to fear the future. 366 times, which is equivalent to the number of days in the year. Every day, we should not worry!  God has plans of peace for us, a future and hope. He wants to finish what he started in your life.  

Which one of us through his worries can add a cubit to his life? Worrying won’t change anything. Only faith in God can change the circumstances of your life. God asks us to have faith in Him!


Christian K

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