Forgiveness is above all, liberating for you but also for the people whose forgiveness you release – Christian

And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:25


In the prayer of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus reminds us of the importance of forgiveness, of giving each other grace. If we want God to forgive us, we must also forgive those who have offended us. Some people will tell me that this is not easy, right? And I agree with you but, however, it is not impossible. If Jesus did it on the cross, we can do it too. He showed us the example by saying, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

If we wish to have a light and peaceful heart, we must not tire of forgiveness. It is to our advantage.

I remember one time when a preacher shared a healing testimony from a person who was suffering from chronic joint pain. Driven by the spirit, he asked her if she had a grudge against a person. The woman’s response was positive. He then led her into a moment of repentance and forgiveness. Let us never forget that forgiveness is first and foremost a matter of will. “Lord, however hard it may be, I want to forgive…” Coming back to this woman’s story, she was completely healed!

Some illnesses can be due to a lack of forgiveness, we must be aware of that.  Forgiveness is above all, liberating for you, but also for the people for whom you release it.

 Jesus forgave our debt when we were all condemned by sin. We must do the same. Let us trust in God and he will give us the strength to forgive. Our part is to forgive and God’s part is to lead us on the road of healing. Even if it is not easy, make the decision to forgive today and God will heal all your wounds. Courage, you will succeed.


Christian K


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