God can heal you, have faith in Him! – Christian

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily… Isaiah 58:8.

When we go through the trials of illness, we often don’t understand why. All kinds of questions can come to our mind. Is it due to sin? Is it an attack from the enemy? These questions are normal as long as they do not keep us confused.

We need to fix our eyes on the word of God. The good news is that in the book of Peter it is written, “by whose stripes we were healed.” You see that the time of this verse is in the past tense. Why is that? The disciple Peter is reminding us that, thanks to the sacrifice on the cross, everything is already accomplished. 

The reality is that you are going through the trial of sickness but the truth is that Jesus has already healed you. You must believe this and refuse all forms of thought of discouragement, unbelief, doubt and fear. Jesus is still healing! 

Illness is one of life’s difficult struggles, but we must not forget that we have already conquered ourselves and even more! Let us not tire of praying and proclaiming the victory of Jesus. He has received the name raised above every name, every disease and in His name every disease fades away!

In the name of Jesus the disease that the doctor has diagnosed in your life or in the lives of your loved ones is failing. I join in your faith and proclaim healing! 


Christian K

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