God has placed a dream on your heart, you must fulfill it! – Christian

For we are his workmanship, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should do them. Ephesians 2:10

God’s children should no longer live according to circumstances, but be driven by a divine vision. In the book of Joel 2:25 we see that it is written “your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions.  This prophecy of the prophet Joel was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. God gives visions to His children, He puts His plans in their hearts.

When the spirit of God comes to dwell in the heart of a person, that person will begin to have visions, divine plans for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. God will put His mind into them. He has put a dream on your heart for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. By His grace, you can fulfill it!

What if today you ask God what His plan is for your life? Stop living according to circumstances. Without a clear vision for your life, without a plan, honestly, you will go nowhere. The Bible says that without a vision, God’s people are without restraint. 

You must make the vision, that the Holy Spirit puts on your heart, come true. The people close to you will not always understand you, you may have opposition, the path may not be easy. God who has given you the vision, will give you the ability and the means to reach the end. 


Christian K

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