God must remain our priority, no matter how rich we are – Christian

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

We live in a society where everything leads us to success from a very early age. At school we are taught that if we want to succeed in life we must work hard. Success and the love of money are at the heart of our society.

We are driven by this mentality, in our heads from a very young age, instead of running after God who gives success. Alas, we can also fall into the trap of seeking the blessings of this world rather than God himself. What does the Bible teach about money? We should not indulge in the love of money. We must constantly watch over our hearts and not give way to idolatry. Money is a good servant but a bad master. God must be our priority, no matter how much money we have. 

Was it not the disciple Paul who said that he learned to live in abundance as well as in scarcity? Paul knew how to be content with what he had. Even with little money, he praised the Lord. And with a lot of money, he also praised the Lord! 

King David said that praise must always be in our mouths. We must praise the Lord in good days as well as in bad. Gold and silver belong to Him, He has everything in His hand.

Christian K

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