God will provide again – Christian

Do not worry about anything; but in everything make your needs known to God through prayers and supplications, with thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6

So many times in our lives we thought we were lacking and in the end we saw God’s help. I think we can all bear witness to this. We all have testimonies of providence from the hand of our God. So we have many reasons to give thanks to the Lord. 

King David once said, “I have grown old and I have never seen the righteous begging for his bread”. No matter what your needs are right now, the Lord can fulfill your expectations. He provided yesterday and will provide again tomorrow.

God is the one who provided for the prophet Elijah by putting the widow of Sarepta on his way. So don’t say that I will eat tomorrow? What will I wear? If He did it for the Prophet Elijah, rest assured, He will do the same for you. God always takes care of his children and his servants. When He sends, He always provides! 

Christian K

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