Let us pray for one another – Christian

And pray for one another, that you may be healed. James 5:16

There are trials we can go through alone and other trials where we need support. We must learn to know our limits and not go beyond them. The Bible teaches us that there are many levels of authority! 

There is the authority that the Lord has given you. You must exercise it when you feel oppressed, when you are sick for example. The Lord has given authority to every child of God. That is why in the book of James in chapter 1, it is written that: “When a person is in suffering, let him pray”. Let us not only wait for others to pray for us, unless for that reason we cannot.

There is the authority that the Lord has given to the elders of the church. Still in the book of James, it is written that if a person is sick, let him tell the elders who will pray for him. God has also given authority to the assembly leaders! 

The third authority is the prayer of the church! There is this verse that says: “If two or three agree and ask the Lord for something, it will be granted to them”. God encourages us to share our sorrows, our failures, our struggles, not to keep it to ourselves.

We must pray for each other. We need each other, we cannot evolve alone. Let us remember that in Gethsemane Jesus took Peter, John and James with him. He was terribly in need of support in prayer, He knew that it was time to accomplish what He had been destined to do.

Likewise, if you want to enter into the works that the Father has for you, you have to be well surrounded. You need intercessors, people who stand in the breach and pray for you, your family, your projects, your protection and your struggles.


Christian K

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