41 vidéos

Don Moen


Like Eagles
5min 12sec
Don Moen chante « Like eagles » en priant « O mon âme, n'aie pas peur, espère dans le Seigneur, par sa justice et sa puissance, Il fortifiera, Il guidera. Et je m'élèverai sur des ailes d'aigle, tenu par la main de Dieu, je courrai sans me fatiguer, quand j'invoquerai son nom. »  
He Will Come and Save You (Acoustic) | Praise and Worship Music
4min 1sec
Moment d’adoration et de louange avec Don Moen et son groupe interprétant "He Will Come and Save You" dans sa version acoustique. Une chanson qui encourage ceux qui ont le cœur craintif à ne pas avoir peur, ceux qui sont fatigués à s’appuyer à Dieu, fort de ses bras puissants et ceux qui ont le cœur brisé à ne pas perdre la foi. Cette vidéo a été enregistrée à l'origine pour l'événement de culte en ligne "Wellness for You" de TriVita. Lyrics: Say to those who are fearful hearted Do not be afraid The Lord your God Is strong with His mighty arms When you call on His name He will come and save And He will come and save you He will come and save you Say to the weary one Your God will surely come He will come and save you And He will come and save you He will come and save you Lift up your eyes to Him You will arise again He will come and save you Say to those who are broken hearted Do not lose your faith The Lord your God Is strong with His loving arms When you call on His name He will come and save He is our refuge in the day of trouble He is our shelter in the time of storm He is our tower in the day of sorrow Our fortress in the time of war
God Is Good All The Time (Live Praise and Worship Music)
6min 8sec
We Wait
6min 12sec
Don Moen, dans cette chanson intitulée « We wait », a fait ce témoignage : Un de mes amis m'a dit un jour "... si tu veux vraiment connaître Dieu, fais-toi un ami du silence." Normalement, cela pourrait être assez difficile à faire, mais au cours des dernières semaines, vous avez peut-être eu quelques moments de silence. Que fais-tu dans ces moments-là ? Lyrics: We wait We're not in a hurry O we need you, Lord We wait All our cares and worries We lay aside for you O how we long to see your face O how we long for your embrace We wait We're not afraid to tarry We yearn for you, Lord We wait For your mighty wind to carry us Into your presence, Lord And as we fill this house with praise May your holy fire fill this place As we wait We wait, we wait, we wait And as we fill this house with praise Let your holy fire fill this place
A hungry heart - Don Moen
7min 44sec
Don Moen espère que  sa nouvelle chanson intitulée « A hungry heart » sera une bénédiction pour tous ceux qui ont le cœur affamé de la Présence de Dieu et du Saint-Esprit. « Seigneur, nous avons faim et soif que tu fasses quelque chose de nouveau », prie-t-il.
Heal Me O Lord / I Am The God That Healeth Thee | Live Worship Sessions
7min 56sec
Lors de ce moment de louange et d’adoration, Don Moen chante « Heal Me O Lord / I Am The God That Healeth Thee ». Notre Dieu est un Dieu de guérison, Il envoie sa Parole pour nous guérir et nous sauver. LYRICS: Heal Me O Lord Chorus Heal me O Lord And I will be healed Save me and I will be saved Heal me O Lord And I will be healed For You are the One I praise You are the One I praise I Am The God That Healeth Thee Verse 1 I am the God that healeth thee I am the Lord your Healer I sent My Word and healed your disease I am the Lord your Healer Verse 2 You are the God that healeth me You are the Lord my Healer You sent Your Word and healed my disease You are the Lord my Healer
Don’t Overplay (ft. Thank You Lord) | Worship Band Workshop
9min 30sec
Dans cette session de l'atelier de Don Moen sur les groupes de louange, Don présente son groupe complet qui montre ce qu'il ne faut PAS faire. Si vous êtes un leader de louange ou un membre de votre équipe de louange, n'oubliez pas de rester simple ! Regardez cette vidéo et partagez les rires de Don et de son groupe qui s'amusent à "surjouer" sur « Thank You Lord ». Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment Don et son groupe se préparent à diriger la louange dans le monde entier ? Seriez-vous curieux de savoir qui Don considère comme le membre le plus important du groupe ? La réponse pourrait vous surprendre. Avec cette première version de la série Don Moen Master Class, Don et son groupe partagent les principes de base de la conduite de la louange, discutent de sujets et répondent aux questions auxquelles sont confrontées les équipes de louange dans les églises du monde entier. Regardez la vidéo ci-dessus et commandez dès aujourd'hui ! - L'importance du soundcheck - Le rôle de l'ingénieur du son - Moniteurs au sol ou intra-auriculaires ? - La relation entre votre batteur et votre bassiste - L'utilisation de pédaliers pour la guitare électrique - Clés auxiliaires pendant le culte - Comment jouer avec la dynamique et comment éviter de surjouer ? Qu'est-ce que la série de cours Don Moen Masterclass ? La série Masterclass de Don Moen propose un enseignement et une formation approfondis tirés de l'expérience de plus de 30 ans de Don en tant que leader de louange, auteur-compositeur et chanteur. La série comprend également un atelier de guitare électrique, un atelier de basse et de batterie, un atelier de clavier auxiliaire, un atelier de groupe de louange et un atelier d'ingénierie du son.
Don Moen – Think About His Love
6min 11sec
Aujourd'hui est une bonne journée pour penser à l'amour de Dieu, c’est ce qu’a déclaré Don Moen dans cette chanson intitulée « Think about His Love ». N'oublions pas que Dieu a envoyé son Fils unique, Jésus, mourir pour nous alors que nous étions encore pécheurs. "Je suis persuadé que ni la mort, ni la vie, ni les anges, ni les principautés, ni les puissances, ni les choses présentes, ni les choses à venir, ni la hauteur, ni la profondeur, ni aucune autre créature, ne pourra nous séparer de l'amour de Dieu, qui est en Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur. » Lyrics: Think about His love Think about His goodness Think about His grace that's brought us through For as high as the heavens above So great is the measure of our Father's love Great is the measure of our Father's love So great is the measure of our Father's love How could I forget His love And how could I forget His mercies He satisfies, He satisfies, He satisfies my desires
Don Moen – Arise (Live)
6min 6sec
Voici la vidéo live de « Arise », une chanson de Don Moen. « Seigneur, nous te demandons et désirons une chose, que Tu te lèves et viens changer nos vies pendant nous T’adorons. » LYRICS: Verse One thing we ask of You One thing that we desire That as we worship You Lord come and change our lives Arise (x4) Chorus Arise take Your place Be enthroned on our praise Arise King of kings Holy God as we sing Arise (arise) arise (arise) Arise (arise) arise (arise) Bridge We lift You up We lift You up We lift You up on our praises (REPEAT)
Don Moen | He Will Come and Save You (Exodus 14:13-14)
6min 23sec
Don Moen encourage ceux qui ont le cœur craintif, brisé et fatigué à faire confiance en cette parole de Dieu dans exode 14 :13-14 : « N'ayez pas peur. Ne bougez pas et voyez le salut du Seigneur." Gardez les yeux sur Jésus - la bataille est celle du Seigneur ! » et chante « He Will Come and Save You ». Paroles
Say to those who are fearful hearted Do not be afraid The Lord your God Is strong with His mighty arms When you call on His name He will come and save
And He will come and save you He will come and save you Say to the weary one YOUR GOD WILL SURELY COME He will come and save you
And He will come and save you He will come and save you Lift up your eyes to Him You will arise again He will come and save you
Say to those who are broken hearted Do not lose your faith The Lord your God Is strong with His loving arms When you call on His name He will come and save
He is our refuge in the day of trouble He is our shelter in the time of storm He is our tower in the day of sorrow Our fortress in the time of war
And He will come and save you He will come and save you Say to the weary one YOUR GOD WILL SURELY COME He will come and save you
And He will come and save you He will come and save you Lift up your eyes to Him You will arise again He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to him You will arise again He will come and save you
And He will come and save you He will come and save you Say to the weary one YOUR GOD WILL SURELY COME He will come and save you
And He will come and save you He will come and save you Lift up your eyes to Him You will arise again He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to him You will arise again He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to Him You will arise again He will come and save you
Still / Be Still and Know (Live)
7min 12sec
Découvrez le live de la chanson de Don Moen intitulée « Still / Be Still and Know ». Quand les océans montent, les tonnerres grondent et la tempête se déchaine, apprend à être tranquille tout en reconnaissant que Dieu est puissant. LYRICS: Verse 1 Hide me now Under Your wings Cover me Within Your mighty hand Chorus When the oceans rise And thunders roar I will soar with You Above the storm Father You are King Over the flood I will be still and know You are God Verse 2 Find rest my soul In Christ alone Know His power In quietness and trust
Mi Corazon | Live Worship Sessions
5min 27sec
Don Moen chante « Mi Corazon » lors de ces sessions d'adoration en direct. Tous les jours, il est bien de présenter à Dieu un cœur rempli de chants de louange, source d’espoir et de joie de vivre. Lyrics: Mi Corazon My heart is filled With songs of praise You gave me hope You made a way Now I long to live in Your presence For all my days My soul sings my spirit shouts With ev'ry breath I'm crying out I want to live for You alone You have captured my heart mi corazon Lord I give You my whole heart mi corazon Amazing grace Has rescued me You paid the price You set me free I will sing Your praises forever My Savior and King I will give You glory Tell the wondrous story How You rescued me I'm the guilty one But You sacrificed Your Son Your one and only Now I stand before You Blameless and holy
Return to Me (Live Praise and Worship Music)
7min 1sec
Don Moen chante "Return to Me" dans cette vidéo de louange et d'adoration en direct. Cette vidéo a été enregistrée à l'origine pour l'événement de culte en ligne "The Experience Lagos 2020". « Return to me » appelle les gens à revenir à Dieu avec une attitude humble. Pour en savoir plus sur The Experience, cliquez ici : https://www.facebook.com/theexperiencelagos ►Follow Don Moen Online Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DonMoenMusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/DonMoen/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/DonMoen/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DonMoenTV Website: http://donmoen.com/ ►Listen To Don Moen's Music Apple Music: http://apple.co/1ShZMyN Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2PAVaup Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/33diVgV Google Play: http://bit.ly/2TIjZq7 Lyrics: Verse 1 If My people who are called by My name Will humble themselves and pray Seek My face Turn from their wicked ways I will hear from Heaven Forgive their sins and heal their land If My people Will humble themselves and pray Chorus Return to Me And I will return to you You will be my people And I will be your God Return to Me And I will return to you I'll give you a heart to know Me And I will be your God If My people Will humble themselves and pray Verse 2 As Your people We have turned and walked away From the truth From the light From the way We confess we have failed We humble our hearts today Will You hear from Heaven Forgive our sins and heal our land As Your people We humble ourselves and pray Chorus Return to Me And I will return to you You will be my people And I will be your God Return to Me And I will return to you I'll give you a heart to know Me And I will be your God If My people Will humble themselves and pray We cry out to You We cry out to You Bridge Lord have mercy On Your people We humble ourselves and pray Turn from our wicked ways Lord have mercy On our nation Forgive us of our sins Revive our hearts again We return to You (6X) Chorus Return to Me And I will return to you You will be my people And I will be your God Return to Me And I will return to you I’ll give you a heart to know Me And I will be your God If My people Will humble themselves and pray If My people Will humble themselves and pray If My people Will humble themselves and pray
Somebody’s Praying for Me
6min 12sec
Don Moen chante « Somebody's Praying for Me », il dit que s'il y a un moment où nous devons prier les uns pour les autres, c'est maintenant. Alors, rejoignons Don, soulevons-nous les uns les autres et prions pour la provision, la guérison et contre la peur. ►Suivez Don Moen en ligne Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DonMoenMusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/DonMoen/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/DonMoen/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DonMoenTV Website: http://donmoen.com/ ►Ecoutez  la musique de Don Moen Apple Music: http://apple.co/1ShZMyN Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2PAVaup Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/33diVgV Google Play: http://bit.ly/2TIjZq7
Be It Unto Me | Live Worship Sessions
4min 33sec
For All You’ve Done | Live Worship Sessions
4min 9sec
Don Moen chante « For all you’ve done » lors de cette séance d’adoration en direct, il rend grâce et glorifie Dieu pour tout ce qu’IL a fait et ce qu’IL va faire mais aussi pour toutes les choses qu’il ne comprend pas dans sa vie. Lyrics: For All You've Done Verse 1 For all You've done For all You're going to do We give You thanks And lift our praise to You Chorus We give thanks we give praise For we know that all things Work together for our good We give thanks we give praise For by faith we know Your grace Will see us through Verse 2 For all those things That we don't understand We come by faith And place them in Your hand Bridge Even if we stumble Even if we fall You will not forsake us You are King and Lord of all
Two Hands One Heart | Live Worship Sessions
4min 34sec

Don Moen avec son groupe au complet chante "Two Hands One Heart" dans cette session d'adoration en direct de DonMoenTV accompagné de l'invité spécial Lenny LeBlanc ! Le Seigneur nous a donné deux mains et un cœur pour Le servir.

Paroles :
What can I give What can I bring That would be pleasing to my King I'll give my heart not just a part I'm lifting up everything Well it's all I have to offer And it's all I have to give
Two hands one heart One life to offer You Two hands one heart That's what I give to You
Use me today I know You can Lord I surrender to You plan You made this heart You made these hands Take me and use me as I am Well it's all I have to offer And it's all I have to give
Little becomes a lot When it's in Your hands Take me and make me more like You Well it may not seem like much But with the Master's touch I know that I'll be more like You
That's what I give to You
The Difference Between Praise and Worship
6min 15sec
Dans cette vidéo, Don répond à la question de Rechor qui demande la différence entre la louange et l'adoration ainsi que la preuve biblique de leurs différences. Qu'est-ce que la série de vidéos Ask Don ? Vous avez toujours voulu poser une question à Don ? C'est maintenant l'occasion ! Avec cette nouvelle série de vidéos, Don répond aux questions du monde entier sur une variété de sujets, notamment la direction de la louange, l'écriture de chansons, le christianisme, etc. Vous avez une question ? Rendez-vous dès aujourd'hui sur http://bit.ly/1NSH1nm pour la poser à Don !
Your Steadfast Love | Praise and Worship Music
3min 55sec
Découvrez cette version live de la chanson d'adoration populaire "Your Steadfast Love" de Don Moen. L’Amour de Dieu remplit notre cœur de la paix, de la joie et la sécurité. Lyrics: Your Steadfast Love Your steadfast love Extends to the heavens Your faithfulness Reaches to the clouds Your righteousness Is like majestic mountains And Your wisdom Like the depths of the sea And You come to me Filling my heart With Your loving kindness I find my peace In the shadow of Your wings I eat my fill From abundance of Your household And I drink From the streams of rejoicing You are my King
Don Moen – Sing for Joy | Live Worship Sessions
3min 51sec
Louez le Dieu d’Amour, Donnez-Lui notre amour, Chantez la Gloire de son Nom, c’est le centre du message de Don Moen dans cette version live de sa chanson de louange populaire "Sing for Joy". Lyrics: Sing For Joy If we call to Him He will answer us If we run to Him He will run to us If we lift our hands He will lift us up Come now praise His name All you saints of God O sing for joy to God our strength O sing for joy to God our strength our strength Draw near to Him He is here with us Give Him your love He's in love with us He will heal our hearts He will cleanse our hands If we rend our hearts He will heal our land
Don Moen – Be It Unto Me
5min 45sec
Qu'il me soit fait selon ta parole, selon tes promesses, je peux me tenir en sécurité. Gravez dans mon cœur la vérité qui me rend libre, selon votre parole O 'Seigneur, qu'il me soit fait. C’est le message essentiel de cette chanson « Be it unto me » de Don Moen lors de cette séance d’adoration en direct. ►Suivez Don Moen en ligne Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DonMoenMusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/DonMoen/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/DonMoen/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DonMoenTV Website: http://donmoen.com/
Paroles :
God how we thank You for the power of Your word Thank You that it has the power to wash us Praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all its benefits We remember everything You've done for us, God And we give You thanks tonight I thank You for giving us Your word
And be it unto me According to Your word According to Your promises I can stand secure Carve upon my heart The truth that sets me free According to Your word O' Lord Be it unto me (sing it with me)
Be it unto me According to Your word According to Your promises I can stand secure Carve upon my heart The truth that sets me free According to Your word O' Lord Be it unto me
You promised Your blood will deliver (that's right) Lord, we believe it's true You promised us joy like a river Lord we receive it from You
These things You have spoken And You're bringing to pass This world's disappearing But Your word will last
So be it unto me According to Your word According to Your promises I can stand secure Carve upon my heart The truth that sets me free According to Your word O' Lord Be it unto me
Ladies sing it You promised to carry our sorrows Lord, we believe it's true (that's right) You've promised unending tomorrows Lord we receive them from You
You be our provider In Your word it's revealed And by the stripes that You bore Lord, we have been healed
So be it unto me According to Your word (yes) According to Your promises I can stand secure Carve upon my heart The truth that sets me free (Hallelujah) According to Your word O' Lord Be it unto me According to Your word O' Lord Be it unto me
God we bow at the lordship of Your word tonight Be it unto me according to Your word I challenge you to say what Mary said "Be it unto me according to Your word" Let Your word be birthed in our hearts tonight Let it come alive within us
Be Glorified | Live Worship Sessions
5min 14sec
Dans cette session d'adoration en direct de DonMoenTV, Don Moen et son groupe au complet chantent "Be Glorified" accompagné de l'invité spécial Lenny LeBlanc ! Dans sa prière, Don Moen dit « Seigneur, je veux que ma vie reflète qui tu es, O Seigneur, s'il te plait attise le feu, Et brûle n'importe quoi jusqu'à ce que tout ce que je désire c'est toi. » Lyrics: Title: "Be Glorified" Album: I Believe There Is More Artist: Don Moen With ev'ry beat of my heart Ev'ry song that I sing Ev'ry prayer that I pray Ev'ry off'ring I bring In ev'ry thought that I have ev'ry word that I say O be glorified Yeah yeah This is my prayer It's the cry of my heart Lord I want my life to reflect who You are O Lord please stir up the fire And burn anything 'til all I desire is You (All I desire is You) (All I desire is You) From the start of each day 'Til the end of the night Let me bring praise Let me bring light Lord I offer my life as a sacrifice Be glorified Yeah yeah With ev'ry breath that I take And ev'rything that I do Let me lift up Your Name And bring honor to You Let the words of my mouth only speak truth O be glorified Yeah yeah
Hallelujah (Official Lyric Video)
3min 40sec
Écoutez "Hallelujah" du récent album de Don Moen et Frank, Grace. Vous pouvez également trouver de nouvelles musiques et vidéos directement de Don Moen sur DonMoenTV. Il y a aussi des vidéos encourageantes et édifiantes ainsi que des mots d'encouragement.
Changing Lives (Official Lyric Video)
4min 16sec
Ecoutez "Changing Lives" du récent album de Don Moen et Frank Edwards, Grace. Cette chanson glorifie le Dieu qui reste le même hier, aujourd’hui et demain, IL a changé des vies à travers ses miracles, son amour et ses bénédictions et IL continue de le faire. Paroles :
Someone ask a question Do you believe in this miracles How do you open blind eyes How can a lame man start walking What is the source of your strength
Yes I believe in this miracles I open the blind eyes by faith God is the source of my strength He's the same yesterday and today My God is still changing lives He's still around doing good He is the source of my strength My God is still changing lives Changing lives Changing lives Changing lives My God is still changing lives
If any man is in Christ He is a new creation Old things have passed away All things have become new
Changing lives Changing lives Changing lives My God is still changing lives My God is still changing lives My God is still changing lives He's still around doing good He's still around doing good He is the source of your strength My God is still changing lives My God is still changing lives My God is still changing lives
It Is Well
5min 38sec
"It Is Well", c’est une vidéo de musique de Loyiso Bala qu’il interprète avec  Don Moen. Quelles que soient les circonstances et les difficultés à surmonter dans la vie, Dieu nous apprend à dire à travers cette chanson, c’est bien avec mon âme. Christ a été cloué sur sa croix pour que nous ne soyons débarrassés de toutes souillures de l’âme et lavés de tout péché. Paroles :
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, it is well, With my soul, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, It is well, with my soul, with my soul It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, It was nailed trough his cross, and I bear it no more, Bless the Lord, bless the Lord, O my soul!
It is well, It is well with my soul, with my soul It is well, it is well, with my soul
God Is Good All The Time (ft. Lenny LeBlanc) | Acoustic Worship Sessions
4min 8sec
Moment de louange et d’adoration avec Don Moen et son ami de longue date Lenny LeBlanc, ils chantent "God Is Good All The Time" à la guitare acoustique & unplugged ! Lyrics: "God Is Good All The Time" Album: Rivers of Joy God is good all the time He put a song of praise In this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night His light will shine (God is good) God is good all the time If you're walkin' through the valley And there are shadows all around Do not fear He will guide you He will keep you safe and sound 'Cause He has promised to never leave you Nor forsake you and His Word is true We were sinners so unworthy Still for us He chose to die Filled us with His Holy Spirit Now we can stand and testify That His love is everlasting And His mercies they will never end Though I may not understand All the plans You have for me My life is in Your hands And through the eyes of faith I can clearly see God is good He's so good God is good He's so good God is good He's so good all the time
Here We Are | Acoustic Worship Sessions
4min 18sec
Praise Looks Good on You | Acoustic Worship Sessions
3min 38sec
Don Moen chante "Praise Looks Good on You" lors de ce moment d’adoration.  Cette chanson en version acoustique au piano est tirée de son album « I Will Sing », elle apprend que la louange qui vient du cœur monte au ciel comme l’odeur d'un doux parfum et apporte un vrai plaisir au Seigneur Dieu. Lyrics: When you lift your hands up high And you sing a song of praise to Me It brings Me great delight Such a lovely sight And yes it is true Praise looks good on you Morning night and noon Your praise ascends to heaven Like the smell of sweet perfume Filling ev'ry room And yes it is true Praise looks good on you You bring your sacrifices And you offer up your praise You lift your voice with singing But your heart seems far away More than a sacrifice I am looking for your life Holy and acceptable and pleasing In My sight So offer up your lives Holy and acceptable A willing sacrifice Precious in My sight But in all that you do Remember all I want is you So lift your hands up high And worship Him before the altar Consecrate your life A willing sacrifice But in all that you do Remember all He wants is you And yes it is true Praise looks good on you.  
Uncharted Territory | Live Worship Sessions
5min 42sec
Don Moen et son groupe complet interprètent "Uncharted Territory" dans cette session d'adoration en direct de DonMoenTV, accompagné de l'invité spécial Lenny LeBlanc ! Seul et perdu dans un territoire inexploré, ne te décourage pas, appelle Dieu, prie-le et loue-le pour ce qu’il a déjà fait pour toi. C’est un Dieu fidèle. Vous pouvez consulter la liste des vidéos de louange dans ce lien : http://bit.ly/1UKjXaQ. Paroles : Title: "Uncharted Territory" Album: Uncharted Territory Artist: Don Moen I find myself in uncharted territory Never felt so lost never felt so lonely Where are You Lord I'm so afraid I can feel the fear inside me Can't control the chaos all around me Where are You Lord How can I sing the Lord's song in a foreign land (But) How can I forget All You've done for me Everything You've done Lord Just to set me free Teach me how to pray Teach me how to praise Even in the darkness Teach me how to sing Your song (Your song gonna sing Your song) How can I sing when my heart is broken When every prayer is just a token Where are You Lord Sometimes our pain can tell a tragic story Still I will praise You and give You glory Where are You Lord Help me to sing the Lord's song in this foreign land (But) How can I forget All You've done for me You have been so faithful Meeting every need Teach me how to pray Teach me how to praise Even in the darkness Teach me how to sing Your song Your song gonna sing Your song
Shout to the Lord (Acoustic) | Praise and Worship Music
4min 57sec