36 vidéos

Every Nation Music


7min 29sec
Psalm 46: 4-5 "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall;God will help her at break of day." #enrworship #wwwmovement
Rosebank Worship - Every Nation
1h 24min 7sec
"Rosebank Worship - Every Nation" présente une expérience de louange vibrante de la part de la communauté Rosebank, offrant une variété de chants édifiants et créant une atmosphère de célébration.
Blessing and honour
8min 8sec
"Blessing and honour, glory and power. Salvation belongs to our God". What a beautiful and powerful song. This is by Victory Worship.
5min 23sec
It's you and you alone, the one true God worthy of our praise. This is a song by or friends "We Will Worship".
Breathe on us
7min 19sec
Luke 24:49 "I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high." Breathe on us. #enrworship #wwwmovement
Ngizolibiza Rebuild Conference
6min 28sec
"Ngizolibiza" from our online conference 'ReBuid'. Catch all the sessions on our Every Nation Rosebank Church channel.
9min 59sec
What an amazing song about the presence, power and Kingdom of God. #wewillworshipmovement #enrworship
5min 14sec
'Strong One rise up. Great King rise up. Warrior, rise up. Our God, rise up.' An incredible song and prayer for such a time as this. #enrworship #wewillworshipmovement
Come Holy Spirit (ReBuild Conference)
8min 18sec
Our 'ReBuild' Conference was nothing short of amazing. Head over to our church channel for the full conference sessions.
Father, you're all I need
3min 35sec
An incredible song about fixing our eyes on Jesus and never being apart from the Father's love. This is by one of our amazing worship leaders, Belinda Wrigley.
We stand in awe
4min 37sec
Golden streets
5min 39sec
"From golden streets, stars at your feet, from royalty you came down". Such a great song about a love that finds us and redeems us.
6min 30sec
Jeso Konyana
5min 10sec
Revelation 5:12 "In a loud voice they were saying: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise". Let our praise forever be lifted up.
Joko ya Hao
6min 5sec
"The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!" Exodus 15:3 NLT
Gates of praise
8min 7sec
Psalm 24: 7-10 "Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— he is the King of glory." #enrworship #BelindaWrigley
Make room
6min 22sec
This is a beautiful song about making room in our lives for God to move.
Spirit of the Lord
6min 27sec
"In the land of the living, we will see the goodness of God". This is song about the goodness of God, restoration and hope. You can find it on our friend's self titled album: Freedom Band.
Least of these
9min 12sec
Hebrews 13:5 ... “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Mighty warrior, the Lord is with you. #enrworship #virbrancyOne
Always Jesus EP Title Track: Always Jesus
3min 49sec
#EveryNationRosebankWorship #EveryNationMusic #EveryNationWorship #AlwaysJesus
How can I & Ungizungezile This I know
10min 5sec
2 songs about the love of God. A love so pure and good, that leaves us in awe and also settles in us that we are loved way beyond our wildest imaginations. Songs by: "We will Worship" and "Freedom Band".
Made to Worship – Song Story
3min 30sec
#MadeToWorship #EveryNationRosebankWorship #EveryNationMusic
Mountains Move
4min 50sec
This is a song about holding on to hope and remembering God's faithfulness in times of trials and chaos. By our greater family, Every Nation Music.
Least of these
9min 12sec
Made To Worship EP: Bayethe
6min 6sec
#MadeToWorship #EveryNationRosebankWorship #EveryNationMusic
Mountains move
4min 50sec
"You make mountains move. You pull strongholds down. None can stand against you, kings lay down their crowns. Every fear is silent, for Your word is true. When there seems there's no way, You make mountains move." Be encouraged. Be still and know that He is God and that all things are possible with and in Him. #enrworship #everynationmusic
EP Title Track: Made To Worship
6min 1sec
#MadeToWorship #EveryNationRosebankWorship #EveryNationMusic
8min 31sec
"Bayethe" simply meaning "All hail". This song proclaims and sings of a powerful and mighty king, our Lord, King Jesus. This is by "We will Worship".
Made To Worship EP: God is Good
6min 30sec
#MadeToWorship #EveryNationRosebankWorship #EveryNationMusic
Nkosi yezulu
5min 40sec
We love this song. A beautiful exaltation of our God. #enrworship #wwwmovement