May God arm you with courage as you face all your challenges – Christian

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Every day, when facing challenges, we must arm ourselves with courage. Courage comes when we recognize our weakness and rely on the strength of the Lord. Without Christ I am weak, but in Him I am strong!

This is all the more true, when all seems lost. There are no signs of hope on the horizon, nothing is happening as you imagined and even the people you believe in have abandoned you!  Maybe right now you feel exhausted and discouraged. You need to regain courage!

God can give you the strength to rebuild what has been destroyed, to reach your goals, to make your plans come true, to move forward. A courageous person will see challenges as an opportunity to see the power of our God in action. They will turn failures into triumphs through their faith.

Let us remember all those reformers who had the courage to affirm their conviction. Zwigli, Calvin, Martin Luther King, Luther did not have an easy life. Thanks to their courage, they managed to get their message across, and in turn saw others rise up for the same cause. A brave person will accomplish great things. May God arm you with courage in facing the challenges that lie ahead of you.


Christian K

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