Stop blaming yourself, God has a plan for you – Christian

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:19

When the Lord says He has forgiven you, He has truly forgiven you! So don’t let the enemy blame you for the past. If you have already sincerely repented, you must now step forward and look ahead. God will never remind you of the past, the enemy will. 

Many times on our way, we will meet the accuser of the brothers. He is good at lying, stealing, slitting throats and destroying. Was it not he who said to Adam the first, “Did God really say…”. It is possible that he may tell you that God has not forgiven you. The disciple Paul participated in the condemnation of many Christians, and it is the same Paul who will say: I no longer look behind but ahead! 

The enemy of our soul knows the Scriptures well, he also knows how to manipulate the word. Just like Jesus in the desert, when he attacks us with all kinds of temptations or lies, we must respond with the Scriptures! This requires us to have a good knowledge of the word. 

When this happens, remember what the Lord accomplished on the cross for you. He blotted out all your sins. Jesus said, “All is fulfilled.” God no longer sees you as a sinner but as righteous and you must grasp it by faith. It doesn’t mean that we don’t sin anymore, it just means that if we fall down, we repent to continue the race. This is the character that we have to have as a child of God.

Don’t let the enemy make you feel guilty about the mistakes of the past. Today, decide to look ahead and not behind!  

Christian K

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