The Lord forgets no one, he knows your expectations, your needs – Christian

Let not your heart envy sinners, but fear the LORD always. Proverbs 23:17

Let us rejoice in the blessings that God bestows on our loved ones. The Lord does not forget anyone, He knows your expectations, your needs, He knows when the doors should be opened.

When we see the Lord blessing others, our heart should not feel jealous.

Even if we would like to be in their shoes or have the same abilities, we must give thanks to God for what He accomplishes in their lives . Jealousy is a normal feeling. One day we may be confronted with it. The problem is our attitude afterwards. Cain was jealous of his brother, he had only bad thoughts in his heart, and instead of dominating them as the Lord had commanded him, he finally killed his brother Abel.

It is very often because of jealousy that one criticizes, that one puts obstacles in the way of others, that one wishes not to see them succeed. Jealousy is pernicious, it is a sin.

We must not let this weed grow in our hearts. God can help us overcome it! We must weep with those who weep, but we must also rejoice with those who rejoice!

Christian K

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