The Lord has equipped you to withstand this storm – Christian

If thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and the rivers shall not overflow thee… Isaiah 43:2

God can calm the storm as Jesus did with his disciples! Jesus was in the boat with them, the storm was strong, and yet the Lord was asleep! Sometimes we can also feel that God has forgotten us in our trials. We can ask ourselves many questions. How could the Lord sleep when the boat could overturn at any moment? In the storm, Jesus remained calm. You must also remain calm when you go through the storm! 

Don’t start to panic, it won’t help. When the disciples asked Jesus to calm the storm, He stood up and spoke to the storm. The storm calmed down quickly. Keep trusting in God, He will also calm your storm… 

It can also happen that the Lord does not calm the storm because He sometimes wants us to dominate it! You know what? He’s already given you all the equipment you need to get through it! This equipment is called courage, authority, determination, faith, perseverance, patience… Don’t doubt, you are equipped and more than capable! 


Christian K

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