The Lord has everything under His control even when things seem to be beyond our control – Christian

I form the light, and I create darkness; I give prosperity, and I create adversity; I, the Lord, do all these things. Isaiah 45:7

One person told how she was about to move into a new home, a great apartment far beyond what she had imagined. All the doors seemed to open. However, at the last moment, and without even understanding why, there were complications during the signing of the lease. On the spot, the person did not understand and many questions crossed her mind. Why did the Lord close that door? 

God allows opposition in our lives to glorify Himself. Maybe now a door has just closed in your life and you don’t understand why. I have good news for you: the Lord is in control of every detail of your life. Nothing is out of His hands! He has everything under His control even when things seem to get out of hand. Many times in the scriptures, the Lord tells us not to worry about tomorrow. We really need to trust Him, both in the good days and in the bad.

Do not doubt, God will glorify Himself in the situation you are going through. Keep your eyes focused on Him and you will see other doors being opened. When one door closes, God opens ten others, for He is the God of unlimited possibilities! 

Continue to praise the Lord even when you don’t understand what He is doing in your life. Sometimes it is only years later that we understand that it was really for our own good. Coming back to the story of the person who didn’t get his home, a few months later the Lord opened another door for him beyond his expectations. Trust in the Lord, he will do the same for you… He is faithful!


Christian K

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