When we pray, prayers go up and blessings come down – Christian

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

The Bible tells us to make all our needs known to the Lord. God is a loving father who will always give us what we need. He said in His words that we will lack nothing, that He is our shepherd, and that He makes us lie down in green pastures. What are your current needs? Have you discussed them with the Lord?

Georges Muller said that, for both earthly and heavenly needs, he was asking God until fulfilment. This visionary of God always saw the Lord respond beyond his expectations. Do not hesitate to ask the Lord for what you need. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us. 

When we pray, prayers go up and blessings come down. We have to believe with faith that God will answer our prayer sooner or later. He knows exactly what we need, and even if the answer is late, we must believe that He will always give us the best. 

When we put our plans back into prayer, we have nothing to worry about. The Lord will lead all things according to His plan.


Christian K

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