With God there is always hope – Christian

For I know the plans I have made for you, says the Lord, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29.11

We must never forget that just because it is dark, at this time in your life, does not mean that the day will not dawn. Jesus is the hope of this world, we must not be fatalistic when we are going through a bad season. Everything is in the hand of the Lord and He can change the circumstances of your life. 

No matter what the name of the storm you are going through right now. Everything is subject to Him in heaven and on earth. He just asks you to trust Him every day.

One person was testifying about an ordeal she went through. She was suffering from an illness that was bothering her on a daily basis. She had consulted several doctors without being able to find a solution, she was consumed by despair. She turned to the Lord. The Lord encouraged her through the passage of Matthew 6:32 to “seek first the Kingdom of God and that the rest would be given to her above”. That day she made the decision to trust God and expect healing. 

Faith comes from what we hear and what we hear comes from the Word of God. When she stumbled upon this verse, she found hope again. She served God with all her heart, she held this passage close to her heart. Months passed, God fulfilled his word, he healed her. 

We will always find verses in the Bible that will always give us hope. Never forget that the night does not last forever. With God there will always be hope.


Christian K

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