A Blizzard, Some Drama, and the Potential Upside – A Story from North Dakota

Cette vidéo, intitulée "A Blizzard, Some Drama, and the Potential Upside - A Story from North Dakota", partage une histoire captivante avec une perspective positive dans des circonstances difficiles.

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À propos de cette vidéo

Cette vidéo, intitulée "A Blizzard, Some Drama, and the Potential Upside - A Story from North Dakota", partage une histoire captivante avec une perspective positive dans des circonstances difficiles.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : For King Country

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Soldier of God
Soldier of God
2 années il y a

If you thought that was bad, now, in April, we just got around 4 feet of snow in 2 days.

K Morgan
K Morgan
2 années il y a

We come to hear and see you guys. Sing acopella we don't care.. We come for you

Thor Bluestone
Thor Bluestone
2 années il y a

I was there! #NDNormalConditions #ThanksForBeingThere – You guys rocked! Us North Dakotians never knew the difference between your concert and your NORMAL concert! Keep up the great work, can't wait to see you later in 2022 when you come back- In the summer!

2 années il y a

Amazing you guys were able to pull this off in light of all the obstacles. Either way you put on amazing shows!

Laila Radford
Laila Radford
2 années il y a

I love this band I wanted to go to the show in Dallas Texas but I wasn't able to. To see how they make do with a little and still have a great show is amazing I can't wait to hear their next album and go to their show in Dallas Texas.

Fiona Kies
Fiona Kies
2 années il y a
Rhema Lopez
Rhema Lopez
2 années il y a

Look at all those wires !!!!

Mia Winter
Mia Winter
2 années il y a
Bella Forth
Bella Forth
2 années il y a

I’d listen no matter what guys!! YOU ROCK! Praise Jesus guys!

Karla Mathes
Karla Mathes
2 années il y a

Believe me- we just want to see you and hear the music- all the rest is great but you are the message we want to hear. The music guys. Love you for caring about the extras tho!!

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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