All we want (Live) – Covenant Worship


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Louanges : Covenant Worship

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Sherri P
Sherri P
2 années il y a

Jesus Christ is the son of God who died and rose three days later and loves all of you. He died for everyone and wants you with Him, to know Him and live for His glory. Come be saved eternally and spend time with Him to know Him. Be saved, free, forgiven, healed, delivered, baptized, whole and let Him show you how He is everything you need. ️ Living righteous and Holy because He said to and paid for our way to live like Him.Ask anything in His name and the Father will do it amen hallelujah praise God thank you Jesus .   ️I lift up everyone's prayers, wants and needs to You Jesus, please pour out blessings. May Your favor, grace and mercy be upon the world. In Jesus name come help us all. You know our needs and everything else about each of us. In Jesus name amen thank you Jesus praise God Jesus, Help people to be rooted and grounded in Your love and to obey You. That they are living in the truth being taught by You. That they know Your voice and word. We are ambassadors of Christ. We represent God, when we are seen Jesus should be seen, His ways not ours. We should be living for and showing God, living for His glory. We are to be an example of Jesus for the world to see Him and want to know Him and know Him more.    2 Chronicles 7:14 says, if My people humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear them from heaven and heal their land.  People need to turn from their wicked ways, Jesus paid for it. That's God stating it in that verse and there are more verses. People need to repent, to be cleansed by His blood and live Holy because He's Holy and righteous because He's righteous. Our God said to stop sinning in many many scriptures and He paid for everyone to be cleansed of sin (Isaiah 53), and to live how He said. He dwells in the Holy temple (your body) and said not to defile the temple. He said to defile the temple is death. He's always serious about everything He said to do. He's just as serious about what He said not to do. We live in obedience to His law, every word if it! He dwells within us all to be with and lead us in His ways. Deuteronomy 28 there are blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. The whole chapter, and verse 46 is one example of generational curses. These go into the following generations, the 3 and 4th. Our children pay the price for our sin. Stop sinning you are sending consequences to yourself and to your loved ones, children. By God's law you are. If you don't believe me ask Him, in Jesus name may you see and know the truth in it's fullness.  ️ He's worthy of everything He said and paid for, so I implore you to do as God said. Jesus said If you love me you will obey my commands. Praise God thank you Jesus. In Jesus name.  ️

Barbara Rodriguez
Barbara Rodriguez
2 années il y a

Mi alma te alaba Dios

Kyle Gibbard
Kyle Gibbard
4 années il y a

I don't know how this song is not more popular. I can't stop listening.

Kert Sison Tare
Kert Sison Tare
4 années il y a

Found it! Godbless you more guys

Gustavo Oliveira
Gustavo Oliveira
4 années il y a

Jesus is perfect, even here in Brazil I received this worship

Kathmandu Worship School
Kathmandu Worship School
4 années il y a

really anointing

Ministerio Apostolico Iglesia Batalla
Ministerio Apostolico Iglesia Batalla
4 années il y a

Yes Jesus be lifted high , Jesus is Coming ✨

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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