Be thou my vision – Audrey Assad

Be Thou My Vision - Audrey Assad: "Be Thou My Vision" d'Audrey Assad crée une atmosphère de dévotion, offrant une interprétation poignante de ce classique hymne de louange.

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Be Thou My Vision - Audrey Assad: "Be Thou My Vision" d'Audrey Assad crée une atmosphère de dévotion, offrant une interprétation poignante de ce classique hymne de louange.
Louanges : Audrey Assad

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Shania Nyaude
Shania Nyaude
2 années il y a


the examiner
the examiner
2 années il y a

Beautiful praise God

Seamus Casey
Seamus Casey
2 années il y a

*******PURE*******BEAUTY*****…..Well…..Done….Audrey…..avril 26 2022AD…..Vallum…Monestary…..Korelia…..Russia….thanks….

Adrienne Schafer
Adrienne Schafer
2 années il y a

This is an 11-year-old saying this song is amazing and I'm on the verge of tears and I have mixed emotions and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever listened to.

James Rattasak
James Rattasak
2 années il y a

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heartNaught be all else to me, save that Thou artThou my best thought, by day or by nightWaking or sleeping, Thy presence my lightBe Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true wordI ever with Thee and Thou with me, LordThou my great Father, and I Thy true sonThou in me dwelling and I with Thee oneRiches I heed not, nor vain, empty praiseThou mine inheritance, now and alwaysThou and Thou only first in my heartHigh King of heaven, my treasure Thou artHigh King of heaven, my victory wonMay I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's sunHeart of my own heart, whatever befallStill be my vision, O ruler of allHeart of my own heart, whatever befallStill be my vision, O ruler of all

Mary Victor
Mary Victor
2 années il y a

HI AUDREY A. I HAVE INCLUDED THIS VIDEO TO MY MESSAGE WHICH I PASTED ALREADY AS A COMMENT FOR CATHOLIC YOUTUBES FOR MORE THAN 300 TIMES SO FAR AS FOLLOW:* TRUE AND POWERFUL CONVERSION STORY PLUS GREAT MIRACLES!March, 2022Thank GOD for our LADY of GUADALUPE; when I visited her Shrine in Mexico in Dec. 2012, and I was suffering at the time of "Sleep Apenea" I was healed really while still there – FRARNKLY, my first intensions were to honor her.†Also, when I prayed few Rosaries to help me to quit smoking cigaretes on May 17, 1998, she answered my prayers immediately, though I was SUPER skeptical at that time, (prv 3: 5)   †Truely, when I was inspired to recite one single Rosary in December 12, 2000, I was healed from my unbelief (Jn. 14: 1) – and I tried at the time first to pray OUR FATHER, but I couldn't remember the prayer; but GOD still saved me! Also During my first Rosary procession outdoors in May 13, 2001, I saw Queen of the Holy Rosary walking with us for 4-5 seconds; And she had long, dark, blue dress & absolutely attractive one.    †Since my conversion, I try NOT to miss attending Masses weekly or daily etc. And I pray the Devine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm, and I NEVER miss it.  †UNDOUBTLY, Reading & meditating on "Gospel of life" according to the daily readings is like my "daily bread" And I read the Bible from cover to cover 3 times since my conversion! & I read the CCC as well, (Is. 55: 10 -11). Also, I like to what some one says: every winter turns into spring. But "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God" (Ps.14:1)   †Unfortunately, many "Catholics don't know what they have, and Evangelicals don't know what they are missing!"    †And I used to attend few different Evangelical Churches for a few years searching for TRUTH while residing in Stockholm & they opened my eyes a LITTLE bid to the facts of faith at the time.   † God is still in the miracle buisness. And thank God for the ROSARY prayer, etc. (Ps. 107:13 – 14)    †"This is the day which GOD hath made a day for us to REJOICE & be GLAD" – Ps.118: 2    †By Saba Korial, MIC, & I was born in Middle East, now Canadian & Christian CATHOLIC &  part of 1.360 Million world wide Catholics. (2 Tm 2:4 & 4:7). Note that the Name of God is mentioned 3 times while praying the ROSARY as follow: first the LORD, then Jesus & GOD (prv. 3: 5). Copy & google the following:1. 2.WoW: 3. 4. Indian star: https://youtu.be5. /_U4R-JcfZ585.*SHARE WITH FRIENDS!

Christian Bible Fellowship Church
Christian Bible Fellowship Church
2 années il y a

Wonderful song. I feel the presence of God in a special way. Glory to God.

ryad boulasbaa
ryad boulasbaa
2 années il y a

The relieved penalty laterally trip because copyright early realise next a fanatical dog. spicy, superficial minister

Marie Michiko Harvey
Marie Michiko Harvey
2 années il y a

When she puts on a fire so satisfying

Mary Victor
Mary Victor
2 années il y a

† A BREAF OF MY TRUE CONVERSION STORY!:March, 2022    Thank GOD for our LADY of GUADALUPE; when I visited her Shrine in Mexico in Dec. 2012, and I was suffering at the time of "Sleep Apenea" I was healed really while still there – FRARNKLY, my first intensions were to honor her.†Also, when I prayed few Rosaries to help me to quit cigaretes on May 17, 1998, she answered my prayers immediately, though I was SUPER skeptical at that time.†Truely, when I was inspired to recite one single Rosary in December 12, 2000, I was healed from my unbelief (Jn. 14: 1) – and I tried at the time first to pray OUR FATHER, but I couldn't remember the prayer.       †Since my conversion, I try NOT to miss attending Masses weekly or daily etc. And I pray the Devine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm, and I NEVER missed.†UNDOUBTLY, Reading & meditating on "Gospel of life" according to daily readings is like my "daily bread" And I read the Bible from cover to cover 3 times since my conversion! (Is. 55: 10 -11). Also, I like to what some one says: every winter turns into spring. But "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God"(Psalm 14:1)† Unfortunately, many "Catholics don't know what they have, and Evangelicals don't know what they are missing!"   †And I used to attend few different Evangelical Churches for a few years  searching for TRUTH.†Thank God for the ROSARY prayer, etc. ! "This is the day which GOD hath made a day for us to REJOICE & be GLAD" – (Psalm 118: 2) ††By Saba Korial, MIC, & I was born in Middle East, now Christian Catholic & Canadian. (2 Tm 2:4 & 4:7)  †Brothers & sisters, "pray for me that I may NOT flee for fear of the wolves &  [terrorstes]" ( Psalm 107:13 – 14).      Note that the Name of Jesus, Lord & God is mentioned 3 times while praying the Rosary!   SHARE WITH WITH FRIENDS!

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

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