Humble King – Brenton Brown

Brenton Brown interprète sa chanson "Humble King" au Christian Musician Summit en Californie du Nord à Cornerstone Fellowship à Livermore. Elle raconte combien il est important de s’humilier devant...

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À propos de cette vidéo

Brenton Brown interprète sa chanson "Humble King" au Christian Musician Summit en Californie du Nord à Cornerstone Fellowship à Livermore. Elle raconte combien il est important de s’humilier devant le Seigneur Jésus, le Roi humble, et se confie à Lui en tout et pour tout.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Brenton Brown
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone
Thèmes : Adoration

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9 années il y a

I watched you guys in a church in Cape Town when you came to South Africa 🙂 you guys are awesome!

Steve Drown
Steve Drown
9 années il y a

Scotty Murray is one of my absolute favorites and is so underrated for certain. I first saw him play along with Brenton Brown (at the time thought I was hot stuff…but after seeing him do what he does clearly I was not) at CMS in 2012 (I think) in Buffalo. He had that guitar he's playing in the video and at one of his classes he handed it to me to try out… I had no clue what to do with the thing lol. But Scotty is a session player. Session players are among the best of the in the world. Period.I'm going to try and get a video up about the song using a "Hipshot" B bender with a G bender attachment. He is using some OD, delay, verb and volume pedal for swells. The majority of what you here is technique. Which, of course, is the tough part to reproduce. May be a while before I get it on YT though.So far what I have figured out is that he is tuned to open E which allows for single finger barred chording. This setup also allows you to make chords with a slide. The bender for the B string is set to bend up 1 step and the bender for the G is set to bend up 1/2 step. Again the rest is setting up your gear and getting the technique. Practice, Practice, PRACTICE!!And whoever gave this a "thumbs down" clearly has no ear for music lol

11 années il y a

would love to hear more of individual instrumental abilities in worsip music more often.

Bruce Butler
Bruce Butler
11 années il y a

Duesenberg makes a multibender which replaces the bridge on most teles and strats and works like the tremolo in this video. it's a little pricey but you can add another arm to bend the g, b, and d string. it's on my "if I ever make money" list.

11 années il y a

Amazing song made better by an amazing guitar solo.

11 années il y a

Now there's the information I was trying to relay! Except… I didn't know any of that haha. Good knowledge. And he must have his delay and/or reverb effects after his volume pedal to keep that sustain going. This guy is cool

Greg Wood
Greg Wood
11 années il y a

AND A Slide…OK I am an Idiot, making assumptions so fast…I have NEVER seen anyone imitate a pedal steel like this, ever…this cat is unbelievable. Also Volume pedal, not knob This is one slick guitar player.

Greg Wood
Greg Wood
11 années il y a

OOPS-NOT p-white b bender!!!! But a system on his BIGSBY Tremelo that I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE!! But it seems to work ok, huh! Plus this cat is damned good at using it! And don't forget the VOLUME KNOB!!!

Greg Wood
Greg Wood
11 années il y a

Believe it or not it conceived (if not invented-don't know the exact story) by Clarence White of the Byrds, who was a mighty impressive country /everything player…it is called the "Parsons / White B bender" though some guitars have a B bender string on the bottom strap button and a G bender on the top; bending achieved by pushing down on gtr body…distance of bend (1/2 step, whole step,etc.) adjustable by metal knob THIS IS A MAJOR MODIFICATION seemingly best suited to Teles.

11 années il y a

I realize it's like 4 months later but it's a mechanism that has 2 separate levers as you can see, one of them affects (I believe) only his B string, the other affects only his G string. When he presses one fully down, it will take that string up a whole note. There is a name for it but I forgot it. Makes for the sickest guitar work if used right (clearly)

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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