Going together feat. Britt Bremnes (Acoustic Video) – Dan Bremnes

"Going Together" par Dan Bremnes en collaboration avec Britt Bremnes est une vidéo acoustique qui explore le thème de l'unité et de la communion, créant une atmosphère de fraternité et d'harmonie.

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À propos de cette vidéo

"Going Together" par Dan Bremnes en collaboration avec Britt Bremnes est une vidéo acoustique qui explore le thème de l'unité et de la communion, créant une atmosphère de fraternité et d'harmonie.
Louanges : Dan Bremnes

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Rhona Klippenstein
Rhona Klippenstein
2 années il y a

She’s gorgeous AND sings?!

Thiago Xavier
Thiago Xavier
2 années il y a

To think about…If God created Us and let people live according to their own will (Free Will), And the desires of the Hearts, Or just by FAITH, THEN For whom he left the Holy Bible written as Laws and Commandments in the New Testament, TEACHING what's right and what's wrong, what's do and what's not to do in life???John 14:21…"The person who accepts and obeys my commandments proves that loves me. And the person who loves me Will be loved by my father, And I will also love and show who I am"…John – 8:47…"The person who belongs to God listens to the words of God "…Some Laws That Is Written in the New Covenant Implemented by Christ Jesus Himself:Galatians 5:16 – 21..The Spirit of God and Human Nature16 I want to say to you this: let the Spirit of God direct your life and do not obey the desires of human nature.17 Because what our human nature wants is against what the Spirit wants, and what the Spirit wants is against what human nature wants. You're both enemies, and that's why you can't do what you want.18 But if it's the Spirit of God that guides you, then you're not under the law.19 The things that human nature produces are well known. They are: sexual immorality, impurity, indecent actions,20 idol worship, witchcraft,the enmities,the fights,the jealousies,the tantrums,the selfish ambition,the disunity,the divisions,21 the envy, the drunkenness,the parties, and other things like that. I repeat what I have already said: those who do these things will not receive the Kingdom of God.Romans 13:12 – 1412 The night is ending, and the day is coming. So let's stop doing what belongs to darkness and pick up spiritual weapons to fight in the light.13 Let us live decently, like people who live in daylight. No binges or drunkenness, no immorality or indecency, no fighting or jealousy.14 But have the qualities that the Lord Jesus Christ has and do not seek to satisfy the evil desires of your human nature.1 Corinthians 6:9-10You know that the wicked will have no part in the Kingdom of God. Make no mistake, for immoral people, idol worshipers, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, slanderers and robbers will have no part in the Kingdom of God.Apocalypse – 21:8…8 But the cowards, the traitors, those who commit disgusting sins, the murderers, the immoral, those who practice sorcery, those who worship idols and all liars, the place of these people is the lake where fire and brimstone burns, which is the second death. Titus 2:12 – 13…God tells us , This grace teaches us to abandon worldly passions and live in this world a prudent , correct and dedicated life to God , while we wait for the happy day when the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ will appear …- What worldly passions are these that are not pleasing to God and which is a sin preventing a person from receiving the true benefits for life is to be saved?Read in the Holy Bible In:Colossians – 3:5 – 17…1 Thessalonians – 4:3, 4:7 – 8…Ephesio – Chapters 4 and 5…Matthew – Chapter, 5…Etc…- What does God want or require of us?Micah – 6:8…Hebrews – 13:1 – 19…1 Peter – 1:14 – 16.1 thessalonissences – 4:3… God says in Hebrews 12:14, That "Without HOLINESS no one will see God or be saved…"So how to get Holiness???" Just obeying all that God left written as LAWS and COMMANDMENTS in the Holy Bible in the New Testament, For the Laws and commandments are the sanctification of body, soul and spirit. And not only live by Faith. For in other words Faith without ACTION it's dead thing James 2-14 to follow….Through this truth of the Holy Bible we can know that life is to be lived according to God's will, And not according to our own will…After all;If it were to live according to our will, God would not have left the commandments in the new testament to us obey, Which is part of the new alliance… I also know that the truth sometimes causes discomfort for people, but we have to understand and accept after all it is the truth that is being told, it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy!" (1 Peter 1:16), The conduct of a true Christian is not as many teach that it is just Living by (grace and faith), as it proves wrong, where are the miracles, healings and deliverance that the Lord Jesus and the disciples did in the past happening in the present day??? Has God changed?? Of course not…. God said He doesn't live in a dirty house, The house symbolizes the human body, and the dirt symbolizes sin, so if miracles aren't happening it's because God isn't in us, And if God isn't in us it's because we're living in disobedience so how can miracles happen? this is just one of many, many other proofs that prove what I'm saying… But every day God offers an opportunity to change… Be careful, Because, GOD SAYS:" Because there will come a time when people will not pay attention to the true teaching, but will follow their own desires. And will seek for yourself a lot of teachers, Who will tell what they want to hear, These people will no longer hear the truth to listen to legends "….2 Timothy 4:3 4…CONCLUSION:Yes, God's grace exists. But God doesn't want us to live anyway, Or do anything in the moments and circumstances of life…. Did you understand?Do you Want One More Example? Then read what the Master, God the Father Jesus Christ said in the Holy Bible In, (Mark – 9: 42 to 48 )….

3 années il y a

This song is beautiful!!! God Bless you!

3 années il y a

I BELIEVE that GOD will NEVER give up on me, my dreams, my hopes, and my children. #heknows

Bryce Spencer
Bryce Spencer
4 années il y a

This is easily one of your best and most beautiful songs you've written, Dan. Great work! And keep them coming.

Kim Boyd
Kim Boyd
4 années il y a

Both of you are perfect together! MAY GOD ALWAYS BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!

Ashley Nicole
Ashley Nicole
4 années il y a

I needed this. My boyfriend and I didnt know where our relationship was going. I heard this song and it reminded me that God is control. Thank you for making this song.

Haley Carson
Haley Carson
4 années il y a

I remember when it hit meYou were 19, bright eyes, big dreamsI felt the blood rush to my heartI knew that this could be the start of somethingLike you see in moviesThe making of our storySo I got down on my kneeAnd I told you honestlyBaby, I don't know where we're goingBut we're going togetherOooh, ooohOooh, ooohFast forward 8 years laterWe're on this wild adventureGot a baby in the back seatMoving to another countryWe packed up every last thingTurned the chapter in this storyBoth of us scared to deathYou took my hand and saidBaby, I don't know where we're goingBut we're going togetherOooh, ooohWe're going togetherOooh, ooohWe're going togetherThrough the unknownUntil we get homeWe will hold onto each other'Cause this love we shareIs an answered prayerAnd it's only getting betterI can see us when we're olderAnd moving a little slowerWith a life full of memoriesYeah, we wouldn't change a thingAnd it might not come easyBut the beauty is the mysteryOf where this road leadsYou and meBaby, I don't know where we're goingBut we're going togetherOooh, ooohWe're going togetherOooh, ooohWe're going together (I remember when it hit me)Oooh, ooohWe're going together (I remember when it hit me)Oooh, ooohWe're going together

4 années il y a

Hermosos, Dios los bendiga siempre ❤️ ❤️

Katy Wallace
Katy Wallace
4 années il y a

Wow!! Absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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