Reign over me (Live) – Dustin Smith

"Hay una esperanza" d'Edgar Lira est une chanson d'espoir et de foi. La vidéo de louange crée une atmosphère de confiance en Dieu, soulignant qu'il y a une espérance en Christ même au milieu des dé...

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À propos de cette vidéo

"Hay una esperanza" d'Edgar Lira est une chanson d'espoir et de foi. La vidéo de louange crée une atmosphère de confiance en Dieu, soulignant qu'il y a une espérance en Christ même au milieu des défis.
Louanges : Dustin Smith

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ex rosacruz 777
ex rosacruz 777
2 années il y a

Pro 1: 8Warnings of WisdomHear, my son, your father's instruction,And don't despise your mother's direction;Pro 1: 9 For they will be an adornment of grace on your head,And necklaces around your neck.1:10 My son, if sinners want to deceive you,Do not consent.Pro 1:11 If they say: Come with us;Let us lay snares to shed blood,Let us stalk the innocent for no reason;Pro 1:12 We will swallow them alive like Sheol,And whole, like those who fall into an abyss;Pro 1:13 We will find wealth of every kind,We will fill our houses with spoil;Pro 1:14 Cast your lot among us;Let's all have a bag.Pro 1:15 My son, do not walk with them.Remove your foot from its paths,1:16 For his feet run to evil,And they are in a hurry to shed blood.Pro 1:17 For in vain will the net be spreadBefore the eyes of every bird;Pro 1:18 But they lie in wait for their own blood,And they tie their souls.Pro 1:19 Such are the paths of everyone who is greedy,Which takes the life of its owners.1:20 Wisdom cries out in the streets,Raise your voice in the squares;Pro 1:21 Cry out in the main meeting places;At the entrances to the city gates he says his reasons.Pro 1:22 How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity,And scoffers will want to mock,And the foolish abhor science?1:23 Return to my rebuke;Behold, I will pour out my spirit on you,And I will let you know my words.1:24 Because I called, and you would not hear,I extended my hand, and there was no one to attend,Pro 1:25 But you rejected all my adviceAnd you did not want my rebuke,1:26 I too will laugh at your calamity,And I will mock when what you fear comes to you;1:27 When your fear comes like destruction,And your calamity will come like a whirlwind;When you come upon you distress and anguish.Pro 1:28 Then they will call me, and I will not answer;They will look for me in the morning, and they will not find me.1:29 Because they hated wisdom,And they did not choose the fear of the Lord,Pro 1:30 They did not want my advice,And they despised all my reproof,1:31 They will eat the fruit of their way,And they will be jaded with their own advice.Pro 1:32 For the misguidance of the ignorant will kill them,And the prosperity of fools will spoil them;Pro 1:33 But whoever listens to me, he will dwell safelyAnd he will live in peace, without fear of evil.

Aaron Olney
Aaron Olney
3 années il y a

Amen in July 2021

Chao Xiong
Chao Xiong
3 années il y a

You can feel the Power of God in this music.

felly felly
felly felly
6 années il y a

God of creation and Ruler of timeCome and rule this heart of mineKing of the heavens, land, and the seaWon’t You come and be King over me?And reign over me…You’re all that I wantAll that I’ve ever neededYou satisfy every longing in meYou’re all that I wantAll that I’ve ever needed, Lord

Jacobus Botha
Jacobus Botha
6 années il y a

Thank you, Jesus!!!

PP Msm
PP Msm
7 années il y a

esta chingona esa rola compa!

AL YuHaUuHa Yuusha
AL YuHaUuHa Yuusha
8 années il y a

I never have been disappointed by his albums true heart of worship.

Victor Hayibor
Victor Hayibor
9 années il y a

Whitney Houston

Israel Borokini
Israel Borokini
9 années il y a

This is an amazing song of all times!! God bless you Dustin!

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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