for KING & COUNTRY | Album IV – Week 09

Une vidéo captivante de for KING & COUNTRY présentant des moments en coulisses et des extraits de leur quatrième album, offrant un aperçu exclusif du processus créatif.

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À propos de cette vidéo

Une vidéo captivante de for KING & COUNTRY présentant des moments en coulisses et des extraits de leur quatrième album, offrant un aperçu exclusif du processus créatif.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : For King Country

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Joanna Glagola
Joanna Glagola
2 années il y a

We need to know what song you used the chair sound in!!!

Luke Roberts
Luke Roberts
2 années il y a

As shown on 0:00-0:25 what song features the chair as a drum?

daniel leyva
daniel leyva
2 années il y a

The funniest part was on 2:32All the way too 2:44

Guillermo Chorro
Guillermo Chorro
2 années il y a

Joe where is Ben Smallbone?

ForLoveOf Truth
ForLoveOf Truth
3 années il y a

Why would a "Christian band" promote a secular woman such as Miley Siras." Wrecking ball?" The girl is a VERY wicked person full of all kinds of evil. Are you considering how dangerous it is? you have a huge influence on your followers. My daughter was watching this and brought it to my attention. She was in disbelief. Even my 10 year old daughter knows there is something very wrong with that.I guess the church merging with the world is acceptable in these last days? Although the BIBLE SAYS to be set apart and if we love the world then we are enemies of God. Repent and stop making a profit of of Jesus Name if you can not represent Him. You are dangerous.

LisAnn M
LisAnn M
3 années il y a

Joel doesn't speak and Luke takes advantage of the moment Love these brothers so much!!

Julie Etheridge
Julie Etheridge
3 années il y a

Maddie. I Love you

Lilly Bug
Lilly Bug
3 années il y a

I need a chair now lol it'll get me through Covid, hopefully.

Krafty Katie
Krafty Katie
3 années il y a

Lol I saw the cover and thought it was something like this: "Hi" "What are you doing?"

Tracy McGwier
Tracy McGwier
3 années il y a


Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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