Forever (Live) – Kari Jobe

Forever (Live) - Kari Jobe: "Forever" de Kari Jobe, enregistré en direct, crée une atmosphère de célébration joyeuse, proclamant la victoire éternelle de Jésus sur la mort.

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Forever (Live) - Kari Jobe: "Forever" de Kari Jobe, enregistré en direct, crée une atmosphère de célébration joyeuse, proclamant la victoire éternelle de Jésus sur la mort.
Louanges : Bethel Music

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Moses Siburian
Moses Siburian
2 années il y a

From child God : Peacefull, you can be happy and also be sorrow. Smile before cry and cry before smile. God bless for all of you.

2 années il y a

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord Jesus. He's victorious. He has overcome the grave. He is risen. Jesus is alive.

Pat Drummer
Pat Drummer
2 années il y a

Beautiful voice

Deborah Palmer
Deborah Palmer
2 années il y a

Forever He is my Lord God Amen

Kimberly Spears Nedoma
Kimberly Spears Nedoma
2 années il y a

This song makes me rejoice in him!! He's alive!!!

Joshua Bergeron
Joshua Bergeron
2 années il y a

I lost my job and my Dad only a month from each other. I almost lost my mind and my life a month later. I cried out to God and asked Him why would He say in His word that He would take care of me when my family and I were living at my brother's house and we were eating from his table and under his roof. I was asking God this while I was walking up and down my brother's driveway and that is when God literally stopped me in my tracks and said, "Who gives your brother food on his table? Who has given him a table and a roof and a job and all that he has? Have you lost your home? Have you not been fed? Have you not been clothed? Who gives you these things? It's not a job that provides. It is I who provides!". I wept and trembled because I knew God was right. Anything I had was because of Him. Anything my brother had was because of Him. No job takes care of us. No man takes care of us. We are God's children. ONLY HE TAKES CARE OF US! Don't be afraid of today or tomorrow or even yesterday. My God (Our God) is in control and HE has, is and will take care of us.

Brian Manyati
Brian Manyati
2 années il y a

Made my Easter holiday wondrous. Christ fi real is alive. Loved the hyper active, multi skilled drummer/s, thumbs up everyone.

2 années il y a

Thanks God

2 années il y a

6:20Jesus… Jesus… Jesus…

Willian Roberto 82566521
Willian Roberto 82566521
2 années il y a

Happy Easter Jesus Is Alive

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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