God of Brilliant Lights (Lyric Video) – Aaron Shust

Aaron Shust Une célébration de Dieu en tant que source éclatante de lumière, guidant et illuminant notre chemin.

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Aaron Shust Une célébration de Dieu en tant que source éclatante de lumière, guidant et illuminant notre chemin.
Catégories : Musique

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fiana jojiana
fiana jojiana
3 années il y a

Great video effects , it truly Magnifies the Light God and his Holiness

Carolyn Barney
Carolyn Barney
3 années il y a

" ♥️ " … ♥️

Carolyn Barney
Carolyn Barney
3 années il y a


3 années il y a

Beautiful lyrics! Anointed singer/ songwriter!

3 années il y a

1 Timothy 6:15-16 ◇ The comprehension of this knowledge is beyond me.

Carolyn Barney
Carolyn Barney
3 années il y a


kalia komanaku
kalia komanaku
3 années il y a

Who else is here:Date. 11.03.2021❤ GOD OF BRILLIANT LIGHTS, IS SHINING OVER US ❤

the Cruz Ramìrez Family
the Cruz Ramìrez Family
3 années il y a

Yes HE is

Parousia Peace for All Nations
Parousia Peace for All Nations
3 années il y a

Our Father who art in HeavenHallowed be thy nameThy Kingdom comeThy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven…Thy will will be done  on Earth as it is in Heaven…Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning quickly. Revelation 21, The New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City , The Holy City, Zion. Throughout  the Bible and Book of Revelation God promises healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as Jesus Christ asks us to pray for in The Lord's Prayer. Matthew How can this be?  Could the gemstones of New Jerusalem cited at Revelation 21 contain the treasure we are looking for? I propose they can and do reveal the treasure of the healing  consciousness for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Amen. I also use my God given  inspired poetry for God's glory  to recognise the intricacy and wonderful  beauty of life that is here on Earth in many forms.  When we can connect with true beauty with Love we can find appreciation and Grace. When we can connect with Grace we are blessed with Faith and Faith gives Hope for Life.Faith, the assured expectation of the things hoped for, the evident demonstration of things not yet beheld. Hebrews 11:1. The ultimate Positive psychology. Hope not stress, worry or fear.  We are saved through Grace and Faith,  thanks giving and hope, gratitude.Galatians 3How many have grace in  these last days?  We are created with the ability to heal through Love in accord with God's Love made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen. God does not want us to have hurts, pains, anxieties or depression. Love does not create sickness and Love says 'do not fear'.Love says 'trust in me and I will guide you and keep you safe in my Love' , God is our refuge. God is Love and  God is Light, universal forces for us All, for us All, for us All for Love to prevail.  PsalmsWhere are you living? In Love or fear? Where would you like to live?In Love or fear? What choice can you make to live in accord with Positive state of Love? Asalum Alaikum and Shalom Aleichem,  peaceful blessings for you, Namaste, and every peaceful greetings in every language… 'By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them'.Fruits of the whole spirit of Love are:Love is always a positive mindset. Faith is always positive. Joy is always positive. Goodness, Mildness and Kindness are always positive.Patience and long suffering  are always positive and kind. Patience with and for self control not to sin or abuse or hurt another is always positive for Peace, which is always positive for  Twofold Peace: Jerusalemfor New Jerusalem for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through the whole spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste…Healing for All People and All Nations,  for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come…Come Lord Jesus, Come…Galatians 5:22,23. Revelation 21, 22. Thanks be to God who is Love who causes himself to become whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell for Healing for All Nations on a paradise Earth, for Heaven on Earth which we can choose to create, or not. Do you choose to live with Love,  Hope and Faith for Love, Hope and Trust, for security, Peace and Joy?   Or Do you choose to live in stress, anxiety and fear with hurts and pains? #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised, Love is coming quickly…Jesus Christ is coming quickly, Come…Our thoughts create our reality and with consciousness of positive thoughts so we do not 'Positively die.' Genesis 2:17. We can and will be changed 'just as in the twinkling of an eye ' 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 because it is a nervous system change from the sympathetic nervous system response back to the parasympathetic nervous system which looks after our body's well being. Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. Luke 19:40This is  the cry I hear https://youtu.be/5QBQRqquQu0Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations. Love is not a cortisol stress hormone,  but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole and one in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Moral Love to dwell, for Positive Love to prevail, God's Love is always positive.  Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  for All Nations and Heaven on Earth, bliss, rapture…evolution of consciousness…Revelation 21, 22. Maranatha. Parousia.  Come Lord Jesus Christ Come https://youtu.be/1Ge00jiZi9Ehttps://youtu.be/4oQR-PQNN8Yhttps://youtu.be/2SN9hxCdo5MCome, Holy Spirit, Come – The whole spirit of God's Love embodied in us, anointed by The  Anointed One , The One Anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love, namely Jesus Christ  who anoints us when we attain to His Love by turning away from sin which is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, our body, The Temple for God's moral Love to dwell, Amen. Sin is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell.  888, infinite energy of Love in mind, body and spirit connected in a positive flow of energy for eternal life with the whole spirit of Love, the life force from God's Love made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. 666 is incomplete in Love in mind, body and spirit, a falling short of Love, a lack of God's moral Love causing hurts pains and pains, conflict, enmity, lies, wars, psychosis, jealousy, covetous, idolatry,  hunger, greed, immorality, dis-eases and all the negative traits of the flesh Galatians 5:19 activated by conscience  which lead to death of the whole  spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ who is returning soon for fullness of His spirit of Love to make us whole again in Love, 888 via 144, Positive thoughts made whole in mind, body and spirit: 000 for wholeness in the I, in the One, in the I am One with Love, the One place. 1440,000 for the 1,000 year reign, wholeness in The One, there is only One,  Pentecost, union with God's Spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ, The Anointed One who anoints us with His Love when we turn away from sin which makes us incomplete in God's  Love. #Loveisnotacortisol Time for change and restoration of mankind #Armageddon #trust #peace #security #NewJerusalem #Zion  #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste,  peace to All Nations for Healing All Nations for Twofold Peace:Jerusalem for New Jerusalem  and Heaven on Earth,   Heaven on Earth as promised,  Amen Pentecost 2020 https://youtu.be/UzHCzOQJfOIhttps://youtu.be/5QBQRqquQu0https://youtu.be/fDc09FobOGohttps://youtu.be/wrkU-pwkMtghttps://youtu.be/VGpBe1Zx5Vshttps://youtu.be/GmK4VHpJwjk Jerusalem means Twofold Peace, the double portion of Peace that God  gives to all who adhere to His Love for Peace within the self and Peace with others  via a quiet conscience with God.   A quiet conscience from living with The Golden Rule, Positive Moral Love for all. Now is the time to Love our global neighbours and to  'learn war no more.'  Isaiah 2:4Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear https://youtu.be/5QBQRqquQu0Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ Amen.Q7e/GmK4VHpJwjkJerusalem means Twofold Peace, the double portion of Peace that God  gives to all who adhere to His Love for Peace within the self and Peace with others  via a quiet conscience with God.   A quiet conscience from living with The Golden Rule, Positive Moral Love for all. Now is the time to Love our global neighbours and to  'learn war no more.'  Isaiah 2:4JerusalemOh green and pleasant land of the dove,What has happened to peace and Love ? For Jerusalem that was being made here Has now been turned into terror and fear. Oh green and pleasant land  do you hear? That Jerusalem that is made here, Is peace that is meant to beFrom living a good life, positively. Positively living means not to die From negativity that is the lie, Lies from Love's opposition called stress,It is the stress in us that creates such a mess. Jerusalem, negative you are not meant to be,But healing our lands with positivity. Thanks be to God for God's Glory through Jesus Christ for the Revelation Crowns of Incoruptability;  Righteousness;  Immortality; Life and God's Glory. Jesus Christ is returning quickly… The Messiah, Wonderful Counsellor and Prince of Peace, Mighty God and Eternal Father, Isaiah 9:6, King of Kings to rule with God's Moral Love in accord with the Ten Commandments for the law that leads to faith that leads to the freedom through Christ. Amen Check out this vision I was granted of God's  Shekinah  sun,  the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds. https://youtu.be/Js81kd91AK4All thanks glory, honour and praise be to God through Jesus Christ, The Anointed One, Amen.  Ameen. Shalom. Namaste…Twofold Peace for All Nations for New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City for Heaven on Earth, Zion to which all Nations will stream…

Parousia Peace for All Nations
Parousia Peace for All Nations
3 années il y a

Revelation 21:4'And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying,  neither shall there be any more pain: The former things have passed away. '( No more death is referring to death of spirit, because The Holy Spirit is quashed by wars,  abuse, sin, hurt, slavery and oppression etc which take away peace and happiness and  fall short of God's Love causing grief, pain,  illness, sickness and death of the spirit leading to death of happiness and joy leading to depression, anxiety and sicknesses that in time lead to sickness and physical death. )If there are millions of people on antidepressant and anxiety medication, then there are still millions of anxious and depressed people. Masking a symptom with a drug is not healing and so the fullness of the spirit and fruits of the spirit are lost and life looses joy and natural pleasure. This is why spiritism/pharmakia cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven and neither can the sinners. For Life in accord with God's promise for life we must walk in and by God's Spirit of altruistic Love for Life. God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone and God's Love guides us away from the causes of stress hormones to allow our endorphins to flourish. 'The end is the beginning of The Word endorphin, His Love in our blood. ' God's  Love made whole and One in our blood. The end is the beginning of The Word, His Love in our blood, the beginning of freedom, righteousness:  freedom from slavery to sin addictions, freedom from slavery for Healing pains for everyone, All Nations for Heaven on Earth as promised by God as declared at Revelation 21.4    Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, ( JHVH  which means ' He who causes to become ' anointed with the whole spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ ) Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven…So if we are behaving with God's Love for justice, peace and  righteousness here on Earth we are embodying God's Heavenly Love here on Earth as it is in Heaven for The Holy Spirit to dwell in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for Life. God's  #Loveisnotacortisol  stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace in every lanquage and tongue, Revelation 7:9 for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God for The Promised Land to come…where we will beat our weapons into plowshears and pruning shears to love and cultivate our lands and learn war moo more. Isaiah. The Holy City, The Heavenly City Zion to which All Nations will stream… Isaiah, Revelation and All Scripture.  Endorphins are our natural body biochemicals for relaxed and happy altruistic living and caring for others. Endorphins are our natural pain killers and 'feel good factor' that come from living in accord with God's Love and the reward of giving care and kindness for All the fruits of the spirit namely Love, Joy, Faith, Goodness, Kindness, Mildness, Patience with Self Control not to hurt, abuse nor sin against another (or self ) for a quiet conscience with self and God for Twofold Peace which is the meaning of the name Jerusalem for New Jerusalem for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste… Twofold Peace in every language for Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through the whole spirit of Love Anointed,  namely Jesus Christ…who was and is the greatest healer of all time and who is coming quickly, Amen. #Parousia #ReturnofJesusChrist #Rapture #HeavenonEarth #Healing #Crystalhealing  #Gemstones #JesusChrist  #WonderfulCounsellor #PrinceofPeace #Messiah#MaranathaJesus Christ said the stones would cry out. LUKE 19:40 This the cry I hear, the conscious process for healing pain and completing the grieving process in accord with God spirit to transform cortisols to endorphin Love. The Messiah, wonderful counsellor and Prince of Peace, Eternal Father and Mighty God worthy of honour because there is only One way to Oneness with self, others and God. https://youtu.be/5QBQRqquQu0Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations. Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  to All Nations…Maranatha. Parousia.  Come Lord Jesus Christ Come Heavenly Crystals of New Jerusalem, Revelation 21https://youtu.be/1Ge00jiZi9EChakras and Saintshttps://youtu.be/4oQR-PQNN8YLight Beingshttps://youtu.be/2SN9hxCdo5MCome, Holy Spirit, Come – The whole spirit of God's Love embodied in us, anointed by The  Anointed One , The One Anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love, namely Jesus Christ  who will anoint us when we attain to His Love by turning away from sin which is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, our body, The Temple for God's moral Love to dwell, Amen. Time for change and restoration of mankind #Armageddon #trust #peace #security #NewJerusalem #Zion #Loveisnotacortisol  but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste,  peace to All Nations for Healing All Nations for Twofold Peace and Heaven on Earth,   Heaven on Earth Amen Feast of Trumpets Atonement,  AtOnement with Gods Love, there is only One, the first commandment and meaning of the Arabic name for God, Allah. Yaweh  meaning 'I will prove to be what I prove to be ' Love, God is Love and God's  #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised.   Passover from stress and fear to LovePentecost 2020 and beyond, eternalArmageddon  please see other Armageddon poems on my chanel toohttps://youtu.be/UzHCzOQJfOIRevelation 21, the healing consciousness revealed https://youtu.be/5QBQRqquQu0Peace One Day  Philipians 4:9https://youtu.be/fDc09FobOGoThe Endhttps://youtu.be/wrkU-pwkMtgBuilding Bridges: One Love https://youtu.be/VGpBe1Zx5VsA New Heaven: Revelation 21https://youtu.be/GmK4VHpJwjk  I invite you to share this good news with others and I invite you to my you tube channel for further reasoning of and for a deeper and fuller understanding of God's Healing  Love. I invite you to test it out. I thank God for the poetry to deliver these understandings in a complete form. I never planned to write poetry, and when we trust in God we always succeed thanks be to God, through the wholeness of His Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Amen in every language… can you see the light of understanding for enlightenment of God's Love?  Can you see The Light? A vision of Light, watch to the end for the fullness of the Shekinah Sun. Thanks be to God.  Without this vision and Healing Light I could not have completed this work for God's Glory through Jesus Christ who was and is and always will be the greatest healer of all time.  We will be ' changed just as  in the twinkling of and eye ' for it is a nervous system change in our body The Temple for God's Love to dwell…https://youtu.be/Js81kd91AK4God's Love creates the naturally occuring  endorphins in our blood, the blood of Christ!?! God's Love is my addiction through the whole spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ.   Revelation complete. Heavenly Crystals of New Jerusalem, The Holy City, Zion. https://youtu.be/oZ3hekWgm7U

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

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