Jesus what a savior – Housefires feat. Kirby Kaple

"Jesus What a Savior" de Housefires feat. Kirby Kaple crée une atmosphère réfléchie, méditant sur le salut que Jésus apporte.

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À propos de cette vidéo

"Jesus What a Savior" de Housefires feat. Kirby Kaple crée une atmosphère réfléchie, méditant sur le salut que Jésus apporte.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Housefires
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone

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Markus Carlson
Markus Carlson
2 années il y a

Amazing see and hear the people glorify Jesus and the room filled with The Holy Spirit.

Amanda Flematti
Amanda Flematti
2 années il y a

After 23 years in a relationship and 20 of it married, God called me out and said enough is enough of the abusive relationship. It hit me strong today that I could potentially be single for the rest of my life. Because covenant is covenant to me and I don’t take that lightly. But I was listening to this song on the way to pick up my boys at youth group, and it just brought such comfort to my heart. He is enough for me and he is completely worthy of my sexuality. I could live another 60 to 90 years. I’m only 37. But if he wants all of me he can have it

John Newkirk
John Newkirk
2 années il y a

Praise Jesus!!!

Rian Bondoc Bantegui
Rian Bondoc Bantegui
2 années il y a
Adrian Rodriguez
Adrian Rodriguez
2 années il y a

Makes me wonder if or how many of these are Trumpers or from Maga. Its scary to know that trumpism has infiltrated many christian sects. Its very hard to hear music like this knowing many christians stormed the Capital in the name of Donald Trump. I hope this group is legite…Nice music though.

Dayriane Debora Nascimento
Dayriane Debora Nascimento
2 années il y a


John Newkirk
John Newkirk
2 années il y a

Praise Jesus

Casey Delaronde
Casey Delaronde
2 années il y a

I really was enraptured by Housefires music until I saw that they are selling tickets to see them for $200-500. I almost vomited when I saw that THEIR idea of Kingdom means having people pay outrageous amounts of money to get enter into worship alongside them. Now, I just have the taste of mold and rot in my mouth when I think of their music.

melikte selam Wondwossen
melikte selam Wondwossen
2 années il y a

Everytime I hear this I am lifted us Jesus lifter of the lowely ♥️

melikte selam Wondwossen
melikte selam Wondwossen
2 années il y a

Everytime I hear this I am lifted us Jesus lifter of the lowely ♥️

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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