How Deep The Father's Love For Us – Stuart Townend | WorshipMob live + spontaneous worship

WorshipMob live & spontaneous worship - How Deep The Father's Love for Us by Stuart Townend. Change a child's life with us! Subscribe above, and join us on F...

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WorshipMob live & spontaneous worship - How Deep The Father's Love for Us by Stuart Townend. Change a child's life with us! Subscribe above, and join us on Facebook: Simultaneous Real Live Worship by the WorshipMob - Christ-purchased Identity, Unity, & Freedom How Deep The Father's Love For Us - by Stuart Townend Credits: Life: Father, Jesus, & Holy Spirit Audio Production: Sean Mulholland Video Production: Richard Seldomridge Executive Producer: Sean Mulholland Camera artists: Richard Seldomridge & volunteers Vocalists: Jeremy Reyes, Elaina Ferguson, Kasi Reyes, & Emily Neumann Electric Guitar: Jeremy Reyes Thanks & love to all others that gave of their time & assistance
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Trae Maxwell
Trae Maxwell
2 années il y a

God Be The Glory. Forever and Ever. Amen.

Hiker's Diary SG
Hiker's Diary SG
2 années il y a

深哉, 天父的爱 ———How Deep The Father's Love For Us天 父 的 爱 深 越 海 洋tian fu de ai shen yue hai yang广 阔 也 无 法 测 量guang kuo ye wu fa ce liang祂 赐 下 祂 独 生 爱 子ta ci xia ta du sheng ai ziHe gave his only begotten son怜 我 罪 人 施 恩 义lian wo zui ren shi en yi裂 肺 撕 心 哀 唤 悲 鸣lie fei si xin ai huan bei ming天 父 转 脸 不 听 不 应tian fu zhuan lian bu ting bu ying赎 罪 羔 羊 流 血 舍 命shu zui gao yang liu xue she ming引 领 世 人 进 天 庭yin ling shi ren jin tian ting##################人 子 被 挂 十 字 宝 架ren zi bei gua shi zi bao jiaThe Son of man was hung on the cross把 我 众 罪 全 卸 下ba wo zhong zui quan xie xiaHe removed all my sins卑 鄙 的 我 仿 若 暴 徒bei bi de wo fang ruo bao tuThe despicable me was like the thug狂 言 秽 语 乱 叫 骂kuang yan hui yu luan jiao ma祂 为 我 罪 甘 愿 受 苦ta wei wo zui gan yuan shou kuFor my sins He was willing to suffer完成使命义无反顾十架舍命,拯救生灵完成使命,救主得胜###############我没有可夸之处无财无势,无智慧但因救主受死复活我能夸耀耶稣基督为何蒙主施恩赐福我不知道如何答覆但我心里清楚明白主流宝血赎我罪债

Hiker's Diary SG
Hiker's Diary SG
2 années il y a

深哉, 天父的爱——– (How Deep The Father's Love For Us)天 父 的 爱 深 越 海 洋tian fu de ai shen yue hai yang广 阔 也 无 法 测 量guang kuo ye wu fa ce liang祂 赐 下 祂 独 生 爱 子ta ci xia ta du sheng ai ziHe gave his only begotten son怜 我 罪 人 施 恩 义ling wo zui ren shi en yi裂 肺 撕 心 哀 唤 悲 鸣lie fei si xin ai huan bei ming天 父 转 脸 不 听 不 应tian fu zhuan lian bu ting bu ying赎 罪 羔 羊 流 血 舍 命shu zui gao yang liu xue she ming引 领 世 人 进 天 庭yin ling shi ren jin tian ting###########人 子 被 挂 十 字 宝 架ren zi bei gua shi zi bao jiaThe Son of Man was hung on the cross把 我 众 罪 全 卸 下ba wo zhong zui quan xie xiaHe removed all my sins卑 鄙 的 我 仿 若 暴 徒bei bi de wo fang ruo bao tuThe despicable me is like the thug狂 言 秽 语 乱 叫 骂kuang yan hui yu luan jiao ma祂 为 我 罪 甘 愿 受 苦ta wei wo zui gan yuan shou kuHe suffered for all my sins完 成 使 命 义 无 反 顾wan cheng shi ming yi wu fan gu十 架 舍 命,拯救生灵完成使命,救主得胜############我没有可夸之处无财无势,无智慧但因救主受死复活我能夸耀耶稣基督为何蒙主施恩赐福我不知道如何答覆但我心里清楚明白主流宝血赎我罪债###############

Agnes Johnson
Agnes Johnson
2 années il y a

This is exactly what I was looking for. God bless yall

Hiker's Diary SG
Hiker's Diary SG
2 années il y a

深哉, 天父的爱 ——–How Deep The Father's Love For Us)天 父 的 爱 深 越 海 洋tian fu de ai shen yue hai yangMy heavenly Father's love is deeper than the ocean广 阔 也 无 法 测 量guang kuo ye wu fa ce liangThe depth is beyond measure祂 赐 下 祂 独 生 爱 子ta ci xia ta du sheng ai ziHe gave his only begotten Son怜 我 罪 人 施 恩 义ling wo zui ren shi en yi裂 肺 撕 心 哀 唤 悲 鸣lie fei si xin ai huan bei ming天 父 转 脸 不 听 不 应tian fu zhuan lian bu ting bu ying赎 罪 羔 羊 流 血 舍 命shu zui gao yang liu xie she ming引 领 世 人 进 天 庭yin ling shi ren jin tian ting###############人 子 被 挂 十 字 宝 架ren zi bei gua shi zi bao jiaThe Son of man was hanged on the cross把 我 众 罪 全 卸 下ba wo zhong zui quan xie xiaHe removed all my sins卑 鄙 的 我 仿 若 暴 徒bei bi de wo fang ruo bao tu狂 言 秽 语 乱 叫 骂kuang yan hui yu luan jiao ma祂 为 我 罪 甘 愿 受 苦ta wei wo zui gan yuan shou kuHe suffered for all my sins完 成 使 命 义 无 反 顾wan cheng shi ming yi wu fan guHe completed the mission without looking back十 架 舍 命,拯 救 生 灵完成使命,救主得胜###################我没有可夸之处无财无势,无智慧但因救主受死复活我能夸耀耶稣基督为何蒙主施恩赐福我不知道如何答覆但我心里清楚明白主流宝血赎我罪债##################

Shannon Eve
Shannon Eve
2 années il y a

And now I understand why my family is telling me to look this song up… absolutely beautiful.

2 années il y a

Not even a Christian anymore but this makes me bawl my eyes out every time

3 années il y a

Nothing that we do or have done add anything to deserve His grace towards us.

Luegia Xiong
Luegia Xiong
3 années il y a

This is by far the most beautiful I’ve heard since I was in high school in 2005

3 années il y a

Best worship video.

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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