How Will I Know – Whitney Houston | WorshipMob Cover

How Will I Know, originally by Merrill/Rubicam/Smith - WorshipMob Adaptation Based on the Whitney Houston song (read why below) Real Live Worship by the WorshipMob Join us on Facebook: http://ww...

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À propos de cette vidéo

How Will I Know, originally by Merrill/Rubicam/Smith - WorshipMob Adaptation Based on the Whitney Houston song (read why below) Real Live Worship by the WorshipMob Join us on Facebook: Explanation of why we chose to worship with this unlikely pop song: This is a modern Psalm for us - David asked these types of questions in his songs as well. Does God want us to hide, when we don't feel His love? Or is He ok with us asking risky questions from our insecure hearts? This song expresses, with beautiful lyrics, the excitement, intimacy, and Holy Spirit romance that we often feel, and, in juxtaposition, the loneliness and questioning that also comes with relationship with God, just as we encounter with any human that we care deeply about. It asks the real questions that come from our desire to know His love, His closeness, His embrace - for certain, in the often unstable and insecure journey we each battle through in this physical world. We often feel His presence in the spiritual realm, but all of us still wonder what this means in the physical day-to-day, and what "knowing God's love" really means - what does it mean to count on God, or depend on Him? What does it mean that He protects us and has us in His grip? Why the pain and suffering in this world, then? Why the feelings of isolation and utter lack, at times? Let this song be a worship experience where we ask God how we can know if He loves us, and let's see how He answers. Let's be brave - let's ask the tough questions. God gave us life abundant - let's learn what that means, together - with a little doubt, and a big bundle of hope. Blessings, friends. -Sean (WorshipMob director/producer) How Will I Know - lyrics (as adapted by Sam Smith): Oh, it's You, I know You're the one I dream of Looks into my eyes Take me to the clouds above Oh, I lose control Can't seem to get enough When I wake from dream Tell me is it really love? How will I know if You really love me? I say a prayer with every heartbeat I fall in love whenever we meet I'm asking You what You know about these things How will I know if You're thinking of me? I try to talk but I'm too shy, can't speak Falling in love is all bittersweet This love is strong. Why do I feel weak? Awake me, I'm shakin' Wish I had You near me now Said there's no mistakin' What I feel is really love How will I know? How will I know if You really love me? I say a prayer with every heartbeat I fall in love whenever we meet I'm asking you what You know about these things How will I know if You're thinking of me? I try to talk but I'm too shy, can't speak Falling in love is all bittersweet This love is strong. Why do I feel weak?
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Blue Skies
Blue Skies
2 années il y a

I’m sorry, but I thought this was a Christian group. Why are you all singing a worldly song? The fact that no one is saying anything is sickening. Whitney Huston was extremely worldly, and you guys are promoting her ‍♀️ now we’ve got Christians wanting to listen to worldly music. 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 KJV[17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing ; and I will receive you, [18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Chris McCray
Chris McCray
2 années il y a

Love ❤ it.

Virgie :)
Virgie :)
4 années il y a

came back to this again, same feels years before when God used this song cover as an inspiration for a youth message i shared 🙂 praise God for what you do!

Christopher Revell
Christopher Revell
5 années il y a


Norma Aldana
Norma Aldana
5 années il y a

Not long enough…

Daniel Mitchell
Daniel Mitchell
5 années il y a

I love the vocals. Who are the two singers in this song?

6 années il y a


Tiktok Music Trend
Tiktok Music Trend
7 années il y a

So intimate <3

Mandy Van Vleck
Mandy Van Vleck
7 années il y a

Love you guys!! Can't say enough about what a blessing you are. Such a comfort. What a neat extrapolation of this 80s song; the lyrics are truly holy. We •do• grapple with all of this as God's children. XOXO. Keep the beauty going.

Danny H
Danny H
7 années il y a

Nice Song … why does the Keyboarder have a Bassguitar ? For the Next Song maybe put a Snare on your Head ! Makes also no sence !

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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