Humble King – Brenton Brown

Brenton Brown interprète sa chanson "Humble King" à la conférence Mission Worship au Royaume-Uni. Cette chanson raconte combien il est important de s’humilier devant le Seigneur Jésus, le Roi humbl...

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Brenton Brown interprète sa chanson "Humble King" à la conférence Mission Worship au Royaume-Uni. Cette chanson raconte combien il est important de s’humilier devant le Seigneur Jésus, le Roi humble, et se confie à Lui en tout et pour tout.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Brenton Brown
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone
Thèmes : Adoration

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Carina Columna
Carina Columna
2 années il y a

So beautiful..

Abraham Peterking
Abraham Peterking
2 années il y a

Blessings Blessings,

Palkia King
Palkia King
3 années il y a

This song means so much to me as someone who comes from a broken family abandoned by my dad before I could even say a word. My great aunt and uncle whose a pastor tricked my mom out of thousands of dollars she had saved up. My mom was going through a tough time after her divorce with my dad and my great aunt and uncle spread lies about my mom making the CPS (child protective service) having to take my older brother and I in foster care. But God was in control. For 4 years my brother and I stayed in foster care was in a pastor’s care we felt loved. But deep down I didn’t feel that father’s love. We had great and times and great memories with his family. But the love of a biological parents wasn’t there but when my mom met God and gave her life to God she fasted and prayed and cried out to God on her knees before the cross. And by God’s grace, mercy and love she gained custody back. She did what she promised God if she ever get custody of my brother and I back she will dedicate our lives to God and make sure we grew up in church. So we did but deep down I did t really believe it because of the pain I have been through and the unforgiving heart that I had towards my parents. It wasn’t until I was 18 I went to Bible seminary at first I went there just to get my mom off my back. But little did I know what God was about to do in my life as a high school drop out, I didn’t know how was accepted in the Bible college. But I was and there was where God showed up in ways I never experienced before. It was the first time I felt God’s love in a way I could never explain, I was there at the foot of the cross on my knees crying because it was the first time I’ve ever experienced a love I never knew existed. Even though I had pastors who was a father figure in my life I love them and their family. And when I finally forgive I felt this heavy burden lifted off of me. It felt so light to a point I felt like I could literally fly. There at the foot of the cross I got so week (physically) I had to lay prostrate before the cross. At that point I didn’t know what forgiving my parents and myself would do. Until the night before graduation, we played this game where u pick out a piece of paper that is passed around in a hat and answer the question when I read the question I asked can I change this question? And they said yes according to the rules yes u can change but only once. But it’s the same question and the question was “if there is a friend or family member u haven’t met in a long time or a friend and family member that have hurt u so bad and u met them what would u do and say” my thought went to my dad. And at that moment I didn’t realize why I said it but my answer was “it would be my dad I would run to him and give him the biggest hug and say to him I love u and forgive and I hope and pray that u have met the Lord like I have and if he hasn’t I would share the love of God and His gospel with my dad” after I said that I was in shock because before I wanted to kill him because of the pain and hurt he had caused my mom, brother and I and abandoning us. Right when I asked myself what just happened and why did I say that? Then I heard God’s still small voice “My son whom I have loved before u were even conceived in ur mother’s womb that’s because you truly forgiven ur parents and that’s what My love can do” right after I heard that from God I cried. Now I’m in my 30’s still serving the Lord went on mission trips to countries where it’s dangerous to spread God’s word. Still passionate about God’s word, and still amazed on what His love can do to me. And if that’s what He can do for me He can and will do for you if you let Him. He wants to but are you willing to let Him in even into the parts of your life where it hurts? And where your afraid to even talk about it because of the pain and hurt. Please let Him into those areas in your life. It may hurt when God’s dealing with it for you but it sure is worth it.

Pete Paras
Pete Paras
3 années il y a

Such a beautiful heartfelt expression sung with such reverence and reflection is so refreshing. ☺

3 années il y a

Wunderbar – wonderful

Sam Louie
Sam Louie
3 années il y a

My favorite Christian song of all time. As a counselor and recovering addict, it makes me realize how much God has loved me through years of pain and brokenness.

Noemia Jardim
Noemia Jardim
4 années il y a

One of the most beautiful Christians songs performed. This song confirms the validity of my soul. Jesus, you are the God of the humble. Amen

Todd Kenneth
Todd Kenneth
4 années il y a

Come Holy Spirit.

Pete Paras
Pete Paras
4 années il y a

Would you be my friend, my help in life today Jesus, just asking?

Harry Kim
Harry Kim
5 années il y a

Good morning. I am Harry kim. Here is a urgent prayer request about my endangered country south korea. To sincere brother and sister. Good evening. sorry, My English isn't good. I am Harry kim from South Korea. God bless you. I am born again Christian. Thank you very much. Here is a prayer request. Would you pray for Dying south Korea? This country is out of service. Leftization of south korea and south korean church is very very serious. We have sinned for One lord Jehova very much. We deserve death. We are canary in the mine shaft. I hope miracle would happen in two Korea just as Jesus christ fed 5,000 people only by five bread and two fishes . South Korea and church is like stage 4 cancer patient. Very serious. In addition, Kim jung un regime have been working on communized south Korea. They are well-systematically and very evil and demonic and wise. It's very hard to resist alone. It is big disaster for us. Kim and moon crave unification and neither wants the democratic unification Prayer is powerful than Any weapon. And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 21.Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. South korea president moon jae in is suspicious people. He is subverting democracy, freedom, south korea. He is leftist communist Chinese friendly politician who does not want to cooperate with America. At first he prosecuted former president park – gun -hye with false evidence. His cabinet(Secret of statement Lim jong seok, moon jeong in and so on) are extremely anti-USA politician. He is extreme leftist and anti – usa politician. He is too close to North Korea and its leader. He is like mirco xi jing ping Chinese leader. The famous pro-democrat politician wants to stop and shut down THAAD(America's missile defence system) completely. They love North Korea, They want to support North Korea evil regime despite the starving and inhumane treatment of ordinary North Korean citizens. They do not like the rich and want to destroy the Chaebol(Super rich person) or anything that resembles. but most korean are very naive. Moon jae in is top spokesman of DPRK. President moon jae in's political policies and publicity is to brainwash South Korean youths in communist way. Western media and most korea media hailed him as Liberal, and a great figure for the future of South Korea. As a result, Favor for kim Jeong un is increasing. Young generation has no fear of War and communism. They used wrong voting machine. They cheated resulf of vote. And they are controlling mass media. Most young generations have good image of north korea. Moon jae in since election has crippled National Security Service of South Korea in order to cut off ties with American alliance and allow North Korea spies to run free in South Korea. He is putting south korea and church at risk seriously. Moon jae in has outlined a more moderate approach to North Korea and aims to revive a "sunshine policy" of engagement. So he is taking down barrier between north korea and south korea. That leads easy invasion of north korea. South Korea permitted North Korean coal entered its ports illegally. But •The United Nations banned North Korean mineral exports, including coal, starting in August 2017. It is violation of international law. But manipulation of mass media, people doesn't know the Seriousness of the situation. Even church hasn't urgency because of manipulation of leftist mass media. Of course, there are many church and christian. But only a few people are awakening. The other one is deeply sleeping. I refer to bible And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Korea church is like Sardis church. Summit between kim-jeong-un and moon-jae-in is like between ahab and jehoshabat in old testament. And also I refer to this chapter. At that time Berodachbaladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present unto Hezekiah: for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick. 13.And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, and shewed them all the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and all the house of his armour, and all that was found in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah shewed them not. 14.Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah, and said unto him, What said these men? and from whence came they unto thee? And Hezekiah said, They are come from a far country, even from Babylon. 15.And he said, What have they seen in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All the things that are in mine house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them. We need prayer to break the chain and curse of communism. He is decorated as king of peace, But Kim-jeong-un is small anti christ and moon jae in is spy and false prophet. His fruit have proved that his policy is absolutely opponent about christian and israel and USA and north korean human rightship. And also he is about to accept Islam hostage(Not poor needy people, But strong man)and attemp to justify same-sex marriage. He want to break alliance with USA and is about to demand usa army in Korea. In addition, they are arresting conservative party's former president and politician by no reason. Continuously, This regime totally have ignored the UN sanction. From decade, South Korea have been being played by the North's stick-and-carrot strategy. We are heading toward destruction rapidly. He want to declare of the Korean war to all over the world and then unify korea in communistic way. Please help us. Communism will kill and destroy christianity and church. As long as possible, I want you send this fact to America church. South korea is like vietnam before the reunification. People are eating and drinking but they don't pray and repent and don't know about sly communism. Most christian's faith is lukewarm. They consider this horrible study as joke. Just like Genesis story : And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law. "It is only a matter of time South Korea will be a communist state" Says Former Korea Persecutor Mr.go young joo. Remember the case of USA detainee otto warmbier. North korea killed him. We can't trust north korea. Horrible country. “Nuclear weapons are their shield, their lifeline. I don’t think they’ll give those up in the future. Leader kim-jung-un is pedophilia. A North Korean defector has told of Kim Jong Un’s teen sex slaves, lavish caviar lunches and gory public executions. Despite people there are starving and dying and He orders uncle to be fed to dogs! If we united, He will persecute and kill whole christian. So would you pray for to break ungodly ties with north korea? Summit between two leader are like Germany's sudetenland meeting between Nazi's hitler and european leader during the world war 2. In the end hitler invaded czech republic. North korea will do that. They will never forsake nuke. In addition, south korea government have corrupted by spy and letfist. They are hiding deeply as horse of trojan. And also government is going to issue censorship law. Moon jae in is rushing Korea toward reunification in wrong way. He is in the doghouse by USA President Donald Trump. We need prayer. And also I want you to know urgent situation for Korea. Communism is about to destroy temple spiritually but church isn't aware of this. By torch of prayer can awake dying church in Korea and set north Korean free and eliminate DPRK evil regime. I don't want to make korea like the case of communist nation such as China, north korea. I don't want my nation be trampled by pagan and don't want let them make orphan and boat people. Thank you very much to hear this. Korea should be the nation based on the God's sure promise and unify with God's will. I wish God would eliminate two ungodly leader and set us free from threat of communist. It's time to tear our pillows and repent. To God be the glory. I want to know this urgent story and request prayer in the name of Holy Jesus Christ. Your prayer can change endangered our nation's fate. In only half a century, Europe's Christianity have been collapsed. When Korea is communized, Asian countries will have big problems. Above all, there will be obstacles in preaching the gospel. Korea is at risk. Communism has been tried for more than 100 years by hundreds of millions of people, and the results are always the same: Its fruits are death, destruction, and despair. Your prayer can save korea church and korea. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. watch out south korea. Korea is more serious than Vietnam. Ardent commie is taking over the south korea. In addition, Korea and korea church got the boiling frog syndrom. Leftization of korea, and korean church are very serious. Thanks for listening us.

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

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