Jesus the same – Hillsong Worship

"Jesus the Same" de Hillsong Worship crée une atmosphère de certitude, proclamant que Jésus demeure constant à travers le temps.

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À propos de cette vidéo

"Jesus the Same" de Hillsong Worship crée une atmosphère de certitude, proclamant que Jésus demeure constant à travers le temps.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Hillsong Worship
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone

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2 années il y a

i miss being a Christian,.,

Noverose Tolibas
Noverose Tolibas
2 années il y a

It's 2022, yet I still remeber this song when me and my elder brother sang it as an offering song during Sunday service and those was the moment of my life that I clearly understood Who really Jesus is… HE is the same Jesus till now and for-ever, The Jesus who once died for us, humbling down His self, reckoning His self and His deity for our sake. Praise His Name for-ever, the Name above all names… JESUS CHRIST….

2 années il y a

Perfect Redemer ❤

Evelyn Cariño
Evelyn Cariño
3 années il y a

O praise the Name of theLord

Evelyn Cariño
Evelyn Cariño
3 années il y a

When you kid you ❤️ don't reailze you ❤️ also watching your parents grow up,

Zoie Lafita Squire
Zoie Lafita Squire
3 années il y a

Wonderful Counselor

Izabel Guerra
Izabel Guerra
3 années il y a

Esse DVD ❤️

3 années il y a

Jesus is the same forever!

ppott ph
ppott ph
3 années il y a

God bless you all God is Good all the time

3 années il y a


Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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