Above It All – Lauren Daigle

"Above It All" de Lauren Daigle est une déclaration de foi puissante, affirmant que Dieu est au-dessus de toutes les circonstances. Laissez-vous inspirer par cette perspective céleste.

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À propos de cette vidéo

"Above It All" de Lauren Daigle est une déclaration de foi puissante, affirmant que Dieu est au-dessus de toutes les circonstances. Laissez-vous inspirer par cette perspective céleste.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Leeland
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone

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2 années il y a

Love it from Ethiopia

Naty Kamian
Naty Kamian
2 années il y a


The Terrible Truth with Amun-Ra
The Terrible Truth with Amun-Ra
2 années il y a

And let ALL be above it Amen.

deva abc
deva abc
2 années il y a

thank you

2 années il y a

Will you go to Heaven?Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain?Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish.Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case:“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have you life.”Then Jesus rose from the grave, defeating it. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you. (living waters/ray comfort)God bless you!

Craig Aparton
Craig Aparton
3 années il y a


Buena Música
Buena Música
3 années il y a

Oye, tu que estás leyendo este comentario, te deseo suerte en la vida, comida y salud ❤️

Mireille Irakoze
Mireille Irakoze
3 années il y a

Amen amen

Francisco Pedro António
Francisco Pedro António
3 années il y a

I love this great song

shine ethiopia
shine ethiopia
3 années il y a

God bless you

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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