My God is always faithful – Hawk Nelson

"My God is Always Faithful" de Hawk Nelson offre une déclaration joyeuse de la fidélité constante de Dieu. La vidéo crée une atmosphère encourageante centrée sur la vérité biblique.

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À propos de cette vidéo

"My God is Always Faithful" de Hawk Nelson offre une déclaration joyeuse de la fidélité constante de Dieu. La vidéo crée une atmosphère encourageante centrée sur la vérité biblique.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Hawk Nelson
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone

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Ranjarinivo voninjara
Ranjarinivo voninjara
2 années il y a


Dominic Gomez
Dominic Gomez
3 années il y a

This is so fake. You can tell he is being obligated to say this and not coming from his heart…No judging here but it goes hand in hand with his fruits of denying Jesus Christ…..What's really sad is a lot of these people in the Christian music industry and these mega church pastors fall away because it's obvious that they don't have a personal relationship with Jesus or read his word…And others wonder why their carnality and doubt overshadow their faith?… You see falling away, suicides, fidelity etc…The worse part about it is, they are setting a bad example as Christians to unbelievers which in turn causes them to blaspheme the name of Christ…Praying for him to truly seek The Lord..

4 années il y a

Yeah, God is faithful to forgive and wait for you to come home. Come home. Our Father is waiting for you.

Aaron Torres
Aaron Torres
4 années il y a

Hope you realize how much God loves you even when you dont beleive.

7 années il y a

For me this song came into play when someone called the social services on us and we love our children more than anything. God brought this song to me when the only thing I could do to soothe my tired soul was to listen to music and the words of this song perfectly for what I was going through and somehow I managed to get through the "impossible situation" as I call it with the help of Christ Jesus and this song and began to face what I'd been stressing and dreading, but God did bring me through that situation with no further problems and now everytime I hear this song on the radio I weep like a child knowing that God has brought me through the worst of the worst and he can bring me through anything. Christ truly lives within me and I praise his holy name for bringing our family through some of the worst tribulations it now seems as though we're on the right track in every way almost due to nothing I've done simply because of Christ the King. Thank you my Savior my Lord, my friend for saving me!

Candy Cookie
Candy Cookie
7 années il y a

No entiendo mucho pero da igual la cancion faithful es mi favorita la amo❤My God is more beautiful than the heavens..!! ❤

10 années il y a

lol .. thank you!

Hawk Nelson
Hawk Nelson
10 années il y a

coming soon!

11 années il y a

Wow, what an amazing story! Praise the Lord for all he has done in the Steingard's family!!! Congrats to your family Jon for Quinlan and to Sam's family for Emerson!!! <3 <3 <3

11 années il y a

He is always faithful.

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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