Simply amazing Have both his CDS from his church as my friend went so bought me the CDS signed by cory himself There my prized possesions
Paull Xulu
2 années il y a
Nat Talie
2 années il y a
“The one who made the world somehow thinks the world of me” These words are so powerful! So deep!
Forever_Loved86 Armijo
2 années il y a
This song ♀️
Christina Kriger
2 années il y a
Love your songs. Almost listening only your songs dude. Pleeaaase make some new albums. no,.kiddin…but I would be soooo happy 'bout it! ❤✝️JESUS bless ur family and YOU bro! Loves
Bro&Bro TV
2 années il y a
If you’re reading this Jesus Christ loves you unconditionally and He will never leave you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Jeremy J
2 années il y a
Wow what a song..words cannot describe how this song has done to me. I’m not even worthy of His love but He still loves me anyway. He pulled my from the grave. Thank you Jesus for loving me in spite of my flaws .
natalia huck
2 années il y a
You chose to love a fool… like me.
Julie Rollins
2 années il y a
Thus says The Lord: Beloved, upon what foundation does the love of God rest? With what thread is the Word of The Lord woven? Can any man know the mind of God? Can flesh touch The Holy? Tell Me, if you know. And what is man, that he should be created in My image, the image of The Son of Man? For within man is My breath; I gave him life. He was made through Me and for Me; I caused him to be. It was My own blood which was shed for him, My own life which was poured out, even unto death. Therefore all those who come to Me and drink shall be made new; whether awake or sleeping, all My beloved shall arise and live. For I AM HE, The Resurrection and The Life. Thus there is indeed a focal point of creation, of which I am always mindful, a reason I created the heavens and the earth and everything in them – It is mankind. Yet man does not yet understand what he is, nor can he comprehend what he shall be. For I have made man in My own image, that in the fullness of time he would come to dwell in Me and I in him, being at all times with Me where I am. In that day he will become like Me, for he shall see Me as I truly am. Therefore prepare your hearts, beloved ones… Keep your eyes fixed upon Me, obey My voice, And heed the sound of this Trumpet… For the Day of The Lord has come, Behold, ALL have entered in… Says The Lord.
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This song is soooo beautiful!
Simply amazing Have both his CDS from his church as my friend went so bought me the CDS signed by cory himself There my prized possesions
“The one who made the world somehow thinks the world of me” These words are so powerful! So deep!
This song ♀️
Love your songs. Almost listening only your songs dude. Pleeaaase make some new albums. no,.kiddin…but I would be soooo happy 'bout it! ❤✝️JESUS bless ur family and YOU bro! Loves
If you’re reading this Jesus Christ loves you unconditionally and He will never leave you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Wow what a song..words cannot describe how this song has done to me. I’m not even worthy of His love but He still loves me anyway. He pulled my from the grave. Thank you Jesus for loving me in spite of my flaws .
You chose to love a fool… like me.
Thus says The Lord: Beloved, upon what foundation does the love of God rest? With what thread is the Word of The Lord woven? Can any man know the mind of God? Can flesh touch The Holy? Tell Me, if you know. And what is man, that he should be created in My image, the image of The Son of Man? For within man is My breath; I gave him life. He was made through Me and for Me; I caused him to be. It was My own blood which was shed for him, My own life which was poured out, even unto death. Therefore all those who come to Me and drink shall be made new; whether awake or sleeping, all My beloved shall arise and live. For I AM HE, The Resurrection and The Life. Thus there is indeed a focal point of creation, of which I am always mindful, a reason I created the heavens and the earth and everything in them – It is mankind. Yet man does not yet understand what he is, nor can he comprehend what he shall be. For I have made man in My own image, that in the fullness of time he would come to dwell in Me and I in him, being at all times with Me where I am. In that day he will become like Me, for he shall see Me as I truly am. Therefore prepare your hearts, beloved ones… Keep your eyes fixed upon Me, obey My voice, And heed the sound of this Trumpet… For the Day of The Lord has come, Behold, ALL have entered in… Says The Lord.