Behold The Lamb (Acoustic) ft. Kristian Stanfill – Passion

Ecoutez et appréciez la version acoustique de « Behold the lamb », une chanson de Passion, Ft.Kristian Stanfill, qui nous invite à dire merci à Dieu pour avoir donné son Fils unique en sacrifice su...

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À propos de cette vidéo

Ecoutez et appréciez la version acoustique de « Behold the lamb », une chanson de Passion, Ft.Kristian Stanfill, qui nous invite à dire merci à Dieu pour avoir donné son Fils unique en sacrifice sur le mont du Calvaire. Si nous avons la vie sauve, si nous sommes pardonnés et guéris, si nous sommes libérés c’est à cause de cet Agneau immolé à notre place.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Passion
Genre de musiques : Accoustique
Thèmes : Jésus

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John Jones
John Jones
2 années il y a

Lets. Show. The. Love. For. Are. Kids. And. Man. And. Woman. Aman

John Jones
John Jones
2 années il y a

I. Love. My. World. I. Wood. Do. Anything. For. It. And. Help. Anyone. Who. Need. Help. Intell. My. Lord. Call. Me. Aman

Marie Granato
Marie Granato
2 années il y a


2 années il y a

Praise the lord

3 années il y a

I sub’d so fast…. God Bless ✨ xo

Tesonia M
Tesonia M
3 années il y a

This song pop up on reels on instagram. Thank God i listened to it the lyrics is powerful. I'm your new fan from AZ.

Dan Flesch
Dan Flesch
3 années il y a

People that have to do it with you a few weeks and

Kevin Belgrove
Kevin Belgrove
3 années il y a

WHAT IS GODS REAL NAME?If we do some research and pray then it should become very clear that There is only ONE NAME for our Heavenly Father and that is Yahuah.Yahuahs Son is Yahusha.There is no salvation in the name of Jesus Christ or any other name. According Acts 4:10-12.Most people WOULD NOT CALL Themselves BY SOMEONE ELSE’sNAME.Nor would Yahuah and Yahusha!The correct names are Hebrew names here are some examples. Yahu…ah ……….Our FatherYahu….sha ………The SonYahu…dim ……..His peopleYahu….di ………( now called a Jew)Yahu…dah……..( now called Judah)Yahu….chanon….. Changed to JohnYahu-dah……….JudasYahu… dah …… JudeYesha-yahu…. Changed to IsiahZedek….Yahu …. changed to ZedehiahYoshi….Yahu….changed to JosiahYirme….Yahu….Changed to JeremiahUr….Yahu … changed to UriahHanan….Yahu … changed to HananiahMattit….Yahu … changed to MatthewMalki…..Yahu..changed to MalhijahNathan…..Yahu..changed to NethaniahNer……Yahu..changed to NeriahMica…..Yahu..Changed to MicaiahMahse….Yahu.. changed to MehseiahGedal….Yahu ..changed to GedaliahYaazan…Yahu..changed to JaazaniahDela…Yahu..changed to DelhaiahGemar….Yahu..changed to GerariahYezan….Yahu ….changed to YezaniahPlus many others like the above.We can see that Yahuah has a strong influence by using Yahu in the name of His Son Yahusha the original name to His people, the name of an area, the name of His Prophets etc.Some will say that YHWH is His name by adding a and e = Yahweh.Going by what I have stated about and to carry the theme through you would have to replace every u with W and then name or word would be nonsense.Besides the letter w was not a Hebrew sounding letter and nor was it invented until about the 8 th century.The letter w came from the letter U….double U.So W is out and U is in YHUH.Jehovah is out because the letter J was only invented around 400 Years ago.So to cap it off there were never any w or j sounding word in the Hebrew language or in any other language in the entire world until well after the Bible was written.As we can plainly see Yahuah named many of his chosen ones with the name either beginning with His own name Yahu or ending with Yahu. Now take a look at the Roman Catholic leaders names. There are seven legendary kings of Rome: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Martius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius Tarquinius Superbus,See how they all end with us. Then they named their Christian god IESOUS Christos.Today IESOUS is called Jesus. The NAME Jesus Christ is only FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OLD! The NAME Jesus Christ is a stronghold over you mind. Tear it down and accept the only NAME given to mankind for salvation -YAHUSHA and not Yeshua

Kevin Belgrove
Kevin Belgrove
3 années il y a

WHAT IS GODS REAL NAME?If we do some research and pray then it should become very clear that There is only ONE NAME for our Heavenly Father and that is Yahuah.Yahuahs Son is Yahusha.There is no salvation in the name of Jesus Christ or any other name. According Acts 4:10-12.Most people WOULD NOT CALL Themselves BY SOMEONE ELSE’sNAME.Nor would Yahuah and Yahusha!The correct names are Hebrew names here are some examples. Yahu…ah ……….Our FatherYahu….sha ………The SonYahu…dim ……..His peopleYahu….di ………( now called a Jew)Yahu…dah……..( now called Judah)Yahu….chanon….. Changed to JohnYahu-dah……….JudasYahu… dah …… JudeYesha-yahu…. Changed to IsiahZedek….Yahu …. changed to ZedehiahYoshi….Yahu….changed to JosiahYirme….Yahu….Changed to JeremiahUr….Yahu … changed to UriahHanan….Yahu … changed to HananiahMattit….Yahu … changed to MatthewMalki…..Yahu..changed to MalhijahNathan…..Yahu..changed to NethaniahNer……Yahu..changed to NeriahMica…..Yahu..Changed to MicaiahMahse….Yahu.. changed to MehseiahGedal….Yahu ..changed to GedaliahYaazan…Yahu..changed to JaazaniahDela…Yahu..changed to DelhaiahGemar….Yahu..changed to GerariahYezan….Yahu ….changed to YezaniahPlus many others like the above.We can see that Yahuah has a strong influence by using Yahu in the name of His Son Yahusha the original name to His people, the name of an area, the name of His Prophets etc.Some will say that YHWH is His name by adding a and e = Yahweh.Going by what I have stated about and to carry the theme through you would have to replace every u with W and then name or word would be nonsense.Besides the letter w was not a Hebrew sounding letter and nor was it invented until about the 8 th century.The letter w came from the letter U….double U.So W is out and U is in YHUH.Jehovah is out because the letter J was only invented around 400 Years ago.So to cap it off there were never any w or j sounding word in the Hebrew language or in any other language in the entire world until well after the Bible was written.As we can plainly see Yahuah named many of his chosen ones with the name either beginning with His own name Yahu or ending with Yahu. Now take a look at the Roman Catholic leaders names. There are seven legendary kings of Rome: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Martius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius Tarquinius Superbus,See how they all end with us. Then they named their Christian god IESOUS Christos.Today IESOUS is called Jesus. The NAME Jesus Christ is only FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OLD! The NAME Jesus Christ is a stronghold over you mind. Tear it down and accept the only NAME given to mankind for salvation -YAHUSHA and not Yeshua

Kevin Belgrove
Kevin Belgrove
3 années il y a

In the garden of Eden there were many trees but also unique two trees.They were both beautiful and appealing. However one led to eternal life and the other led to eternal punishment. The same can be said about the names Yahusha and Jesus.One leads to eternal blessing ( Yahusha)and the other ( Jesus) to eternal punishment.Yahuah loves you so much that he sent his only begotten son Yahusha to die for your sins. However Yahuah is also just. So if you deny the name Yahusha then Yahuah will deny you and eternal punishment awaits you. Acts ‪4:10-12‬10 then know this, you and all the people of Yisrael: It is by the name of Yahusha HaMashiach of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom Yahuah raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.11 Yahusha is“‘the stone you builders rejected,which has become the cornerstone.’12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”Yahusha said he came in his fathers name, “literally”Yahuchanon (Jn)‪5:43‬43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.His fathers name is Yahuah.His name is Yahusha.YAHU…ah …. The Father.YAHU…sha…. The Son.Yahusha came in his fathers name.Jesus came in his own name.1 Yahuchannon (Jn)‪3:23‬23 And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Yahusha HaMashiach , and to love one another as he commanded us.Yahuchanon (Jn)‪17:11‬ B11 ….. Qodesh Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me,so that they may be one as we are one.Yahuah did not give his son the English name Jesus.Yahuchanon (Jn)‪1:12‬12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of Yahuah.Christian Bibles have changed Yahusha, firstly to IESOUS in 325 AD , then 400 years ago changed IESOUS to modern day Jesus.The letter J was not even invented until about 400 years ago making it impossible for the name of the Mashiach to be Jesus Christ.Keep sinning after you have been told the truth.Hebrews 10:26, 27, & 3126 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of Yahuah.31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living Elohiym.You have been told the true names of Yahuah and Yahusha.If you continue to call a “Yahuah” “the Lord” or “God”and continue to call “Yahusha HaMashiach” “Jesus Christ” then according to the above scriptures you will be condemned.All false teachers use the false name Jesus Christ.The names in the Bible you are reading has been changed not transliterated not translated but CHANGED!Why? Because satan does not want you to be saved!Satan does not want you to know the names of Yahuah and Yahusha. That’s why Satan gave the names the Lord God and Jesus Christ. The NAME Jesus Christ is a STRONGHOLD OVER YOUR MIND!Tear down this stronghold and set yourself free to accept the true Messiahs name- Yahusha.If you can accept the above it’s because Yahuah is calling you.Only those whom Yahuah is calling will accept this message. The rest will only argue a foolish argument without any scriptural support to back up their opinions.You must be “Born Again”or in the process of being Born Again to receive this message.

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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