Resurrection – Daniel Dorfsmith

Voici le live studio session de « Resurrection [Glory in Your Grave] », une chanson écrite, réalisée, produite et interprétée par Daniel Dorfsmith. Pour lui, la seule personne parfaite de l'histoir...

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À propos de cette vidéo

Voici le live studio session de « Resurrection [Glory in Your Grave] », une chanson écrite, réalisée, produite et interprétée par Daniel Dorfsmith. Pour lui, la seule personne parfaite de l'histoire a pris le châtiment du péché du monde entier. Le Juste pour les injustes (1 Pierre 3:18). Le Saint pour les impies. Et il l'a fait volontairement en raison de son grand amour pour nous.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Daniel Dorfsmith
Thèmes : Résurrection

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2 années il y a

Keep making music for God. Love the music man!

Serving Jesus Sinner Saved by Grace dr joe gering
Serving Jesus Sinner Saved by Grace dr joe gering
3 années il y a

We were once dead in our sins and trespasses.No hope.Doomed to ourselves.Slaves of the flesh.Yet Christ left the glory of Heaven,on a rescue mission.Before He came – He started a love letter these things were written for our examplea mystery being unraveled.Then, He became fleshto dwell among usHe made the Worldand the world knew him not.nor were they nice to Him,they completely rejected Him.He healed, he loved, he had mercy and compassion.He shined a bright light in the darkness.He chose 12then the love letter after Calvary was completeso while we were yet sinnersHe took on the penalty due uspaid a debt we never couldthat by His sacrifice also learn to take up our cross,learn what Paul meant by I die daily,learn to die to our selfish ways and sin,that we could come alive (in and thru Him)to be born againticketed and destined for eternity with Him.In the meantime, may we love one anotherand serve each other,encourage one another to look up,the day is coming closerJesus is coming back for usHis church, His brideCan't wait.(Who knows maybe Daniel and the boys will figure out a tune for something to fit these words more or less)May the Lord be praised and given great glory, forever and ever, Amen.die to ourselves

Serving Jesus Sinner Saved by Grace dr joe gering
Serving Jesus Sinner Saved by Grace dr joe gering
3 années il y a

So happy to see God use your work brother. For those who do not know Daniel and his family (he is a great dad to this awesome little boy – loves his wife, loves God) and literally serves at the church 24/7. One of the humblest guys you will ever meet, so to see God take him and those around him to a new level of praising Him and sharing that music, well that is God, still at work behind the scenes doing miracles today.

Jennifer McDonald
Jennifer McDonald
3 années il y a

Beautiful song, beautiful piano piece. Great work.

Steve Bell
Steve Bell
4 années il y a

Great talent being used to honor our Great God!

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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