Set Me Ablaze – Jesus Culture – New Song Cafe

C’est au tour de Jesus Culture, un groupe de musique chrétienne évangélique aux Etats-Unis, d’être l’invité de l’émission New Song Cafe. Il chante « Set me ablaze » ou Enflamme-moi pour que je puis...

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À propos de cette vidéo

C’est au tour de Jesus Culture, un groupe de musique chrétienne évangélique aux Etats-Unis, d’être l’invité de l’émission New Song Cafe. Il chante « Set me ablaze » ou Enflamme-moi pour que je puisse manifester mon zèle et ma passion pour Dieu. Et pour préserver cette flamme, nous avons besoin d’une relation intime avec le Saint-Esprit. Encore une autre chanson facile à apprendre.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Worship Together
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone
Thèmes : Relations

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King Ragnar Gaming
King Ragnar Gaming
2 années il y a

I could listen to this young lady sing all day long. So gifted and soothing to the spirit

Juan Hinojosa
Juan Hinojosa
3 années il y a

What a beautiful and powerful song. I ask of Him everday and it's only because of Jesus that my coals never get cold. Thank you for the song. God Bless You always.

National Pageant India
National Pageant India
3 années il y a

What is the singer name????

Claret Fernandes
Claret Fernandes
3 années il y a

Sweet why this wait cause. Video sweet caring. I'm crying here sweet caring. Sweet love you I can't. Check my heart sweet caring. Sweet the church is slowly melting my pain sweet caring. Sweet how can church love like this cause. I realize now sweet caring. Oh. Song please sweet caring. Touch candy. No please call. Busy cause. With you sweet care. Kiss catch. Sweet I like you can't. Examine me sweet caring. You slept sweet caring. I love you sweet care. Hug cause do sweet mildone can. Deeper can. Exciting can. Not now sweetheart can't. True sweet caring. You got up from bed sweet caring. What you will have today cause outside or inside sweet caring. Sorry to bother you sweet care.

jorge flore
jorge flore
3 années il y a

The glory for the one and only JESUS Crist

gabriel chikomeni
gabriel chikomeni
3 années il y a

Beautiful song and so inspiring

adrian purty
adrian purty
4 années il y a

No matter how much i listen to other versions of this amazing song. This particular one draws me near to Lord. Thanks a ton you guys for doing it..!

liliana piffary
liliana piffary
4 années il y a

You may also read a short text called the Present which is available for free on the website called Global Truth Project.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the full picture of life for the first time ao that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus.A life- changer!

rod love
rod love
4 années il y a

Why are they always singing about being in hell? Set me ablaze? Light me on fire! lol and the weird romantic lyrics . Not right

Doug Evans
Doug Evans
4 années il y a

i wonder what happend to Kim Walker Smith? and the other guy that samg to me this is different people but then again i havnt seen them in a long time i still love you Jesus Culture and this song

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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