The Comeback – Danny Gokey

"The Comeback" est une chanson qui célèbre la résilience et la capacité de se relever après des moments difficiles. Les paroles sont un appel à la victoire malgré les défis, soulignant que chaque r...

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À propos de cette vidéo

"The Comeback" est une chanson qui célèbre la résilience et la capacité de se relever après des moments difficiles. Les paroles sont un appel à la victoire malgré les défis, soulignant que chaque revers peut être un nouveau départ.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Danny Gokey
Thèmes : Chanter

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Leroy Bragg
Leroy Bragg
2 années il y a

This year has been Crazy, many things still happening, first Covid, my car needed a engine, my father passed, we have a clown ministry, and All our Major events got cancelled and Still things are happening, But with God in control Everything will be Alright.Thank you Jesus

Courtney Seymour
Courtney Seymour
2 années il y a

Vaccine injured you are not alone.This is why this song gets to me.Here's a little piece of my come back story.God has healed me spiritually, mentally, and physically! I was down to 81 pounds and actively dying. God saved my life! 2015 is when I hit rock bottom. In 2017, I was diagnosed as vaccine injured and heavy metals poisoned. I started detoxing and had a seizure because the detoxing was working against my amalgam filling. In 2018, I got my amalgam filling removed. I was in a wheelchair for a month and a half. I started detoxing again. 4 years later, my detoxing efforts have been successful! Praise God! My mom and I published a book about my healing journey.

2 années il y a

'There is no giant you can't take'Jesus is with us and loves us ❤

Teresa Leake
Teresa Leake
2 années il y a

Amen. I trust in you God. This drama going around me teresa amen

Princess Alia
Princess Alia
2 années il y a

Hm…this doesn't make me think of gymnastics or any sport. It just reminds of being young again

Cody Featherstone
Cody Featherstone
2 années il y a

This song really inspires me!!

Delma Howlett
Delma Howlett
2 années il y a

Please join Rumble

evelyn roman
evelyn roman
2 années il y a

Super stronger then ever

the fellowship of the cigarettes
the fellowship of the cigarettes
2 années il y a

Columbus Bible Church 14 hours ago Brother, I gently encourage you not to smoke. It is not healthy. Grace. the fellowship of the cigarettes the fellowship of the cigarettes 33 seconds ago ​ @Columbus Bible Church thank u for ur concern, i never smoked! peter will be judged according to paul's "my gospel"!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????? will jesus judge peter @ the jsoc for shying away from paul when he was eating bacon and smoking cigarettes while fellowshipping with the gentiles?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! many ministry geeks have testified of satan cocksucker fallen angel attacks when they are most vulnerable while sleeping @ night. george muller the famous christian book orphanage ministry geek, woke up in the middle of the night, and saw the great red dragon satan cocksucker with various exotic colors screaming like a roaring lion in george muller's face. georgie testified of saying "oh it's just u"! and then went back to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????? a long while back, some old geek testified of going to church for 40hrs of the week – 8hrs a day (on his own time) doing intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare prayers for the city, the church etc. after one year of full time prayer at the church, – god told him to drop everything and follow god with complete trust for an exotic mission in the troubled russian eastern block! god told him that he would provide everything! the old geek said that god proved faithful through the entire exotic mission and provided everything! this geek testified of seeing frog shaped demons indiscriminately jumping on one person to the next person sucking the life force of people. this guy testified of seeing a pig face demon on his couch where he was staying in russia, smoking in elegant fashion spewing out smoke, and the smoke of clouds that it was smoking contained numerous lies from the pit of hell being smoked or spewed out into the air like dark clouds or whatever! this guy said he was freaked out by what he saw and asked god, is there anything he can do!? god told him to pray! – the geek said the pig faced demon did not return! this geek said he prayed really hard for god to assasinate a dictator leader at the eastern bloc of russia! some of the young geeks thought this did not sound very christian like! the old geek explained that he had a strong vision in the holy spirit, that if this dictator came to power, the people would suffer enormously! some people might remember in high school government class reading about a newly elected dictator assassination in the troubled eastern bloc of russia revolutions in newsweek magazine! does scottie clarke and the kjv dispers or the gracy mystery churches of paul believe in spiritual warfare, or would that classify as miracles, signs and wonders category???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur thoughts? go!

the fellowship of the cigarettes
the fellowship of the cigarettes
2 années il y a

paul said eagerly desire spiritual gifts? does god consider the following 3 miracle workers? 3 miracle worker candidates who will not blow smoke up the churches ass!!!!??? white oprah the muscle-head oprah the mexican oprah can jesus make cesar milan the pauline church whisperer? balanced dog = exercise – discipline – then affection unbalanced dog and human = affection, affection, affection all the time dogs live in the now, not in the past or future, dogs pick up scent and energy, exercise – avoid pent up toxic energy, discipline – represents rules, boundary, limitations affection – at the right time rewarding good behavior, dogs suppose to use – nose, eyes then ears, human typically use – ears, eyes then nose fulfill the needs of the dog, proper order = animal – dog – breed – then name, improper order = humanized dog – name – breed – animal – then dog fight – flight – avoidance – submission watch cesar fix red zone cases on the spot miracle worker???!!! in regards to spiritual gifts, in regards to workings of miracles and gifts of healings, a long while ago, a christian radio reported a testimony or story, in the 3rd world mission fields of the phillipines, jesus made a man’s missing arm grow out to a normal arm and hand on the spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?! the person testified of the story – all to the glory of god and not man!? god’s glory and timing and purposes was the key!? he said all unbelievers in the area god saved, many unbelievers knew this man for a long time with the missing arm!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?? some churches stress the importance that a jealous god will not tolerate any glory sharing with man, churches (including the kjv dispers?) or satan cocksucker fallen angels!!!!??? take note, scottie clarke and the kjv dispers do not believe in miracles, signs, or wonders???!!!!! the evangelical prayer closet? even jesus needed his social distancing space to hide from the crowds or the mob or the 12 so he can pray – hence the benny hinn best selling book – good morning holy spirit prayer closet!!!!??? keep in mind, scottie clarke and the kjv dispers believe that benny hinn is a charlatan fake!!!!!??? the big trump supporter – the fried chicken time machine jedi knight kat kerr, said she was time traveled by god 100 years into the future, and she saw and prophesied the results of 6 consecutive straight terms of trump, pence and pence vp with no jesus coming back. she ate fried chicken, pizza, and chocolate ice cream made of light, no animals killed. she saw whitney houston and elvis in heaven. she saw christopher reeves the actor who played superman teaching christians on how to fly at the flight school of heaven. and she is teaching pastors and wives on how to see and talk to their dead christian relatives in heaven. she said that having christian facebook friends will be the cool thing of the future and only christian movies in hollywood will replace the secular popular movies of marvel and the like as the top box office block busters – some sort of christian utopian society???!!!!! can white oprah fix scottie clarke's marriage????!!!! ur thoughts? go!

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

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