Through and Through (feat. Will Reagan)

Through and Through (feat. Will Reagan): Une collaboration profonde entre Will Reagan et United Poursuit dans "Through and Through," exprimant une confiance totale en la fidélité de Dieu.

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À propos de cette vidéo

Through and Through (feat. Will Reagan): Une collaboration profonde entre Will Reagan et United Poursuit dans "Through and Through," exprimant une confiance totale en la fidélité de Dieu.
Louanges : United Poursuit
Genre de musiques : Musique Anglophone

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Christopher Ruest
Christopher Ruest
2 années il y a

Put this on Spotify please

Skirtingboard Films
Skirtingboard Films
2 années il y a

Some new commers to the church were singing this at a church camp and hadn't heard it until then. Great song and performance

Justin Mull
Justin Mull
2 années il y a

I wish this live version was available on Spotify

Ellen Knell
Ellen Knell
2 années il y a

This is the most Holy Spirit inspired song ever done……just beautiful….in awe

Alyssa June Brannan
Alyssa June Brannan
2 années il y a

Wow so beautiful I am learning to play your song on the piano

Ludmilla Gabriela
Ludmilla Gabriela
2 années il y a

Por completoEu descubro que eu estou seguro e aquecidoEm seus braços amorososEu descubro que eu estou seguro e aquecidoEm seus braços amorososVocê me vêE você me conheceE você me amaPor completoVocê me vêE você me conheceE você me amaPor completoVocê me vêE você me conheceE você me amaPor completo

3 années il y a

Still waiting for a downloadable version of this. Please.

Sylvia Simpson
Sylvia Simpson
3 années il y a

Beautiful, Wow better than I've heard for many Years. From UK . C

Disciples Heart
Disciples Heart
3 années il y a

The fact that this is 8 years old with only 300 comments… is proof alone of how wicked this generation is. I heard it for the first time last year before my Dad went to glory at 67. He know us by name and love us so much more than we can comprehend. As a dad of two miracles and the grief of being alienated from them over the last the last few years, to just be told by their mother that son at 12 whom I love dearly with the Love of the Lord, "does not want to see me again" is a testimony of how far gone our generation has fallen. I now know how our Father feels when we ignore and reject His gentle and meek heart, turning instead to the vices and seducing spirits of media, movies and the foolishness of this dark world. I believe my son and daughter (who still hears my voice and obeys my teaching) will be taught and disciplined of our Lord no matter what and are covered by His mercy and grace to come to the knowledge of His salvation soon. It is my great honor to suffer and keep them covered as I work out my own salvation with fear and trembling. All to the Glory of our Lord and Savior Yahshua.

Grace Isaacs
Grace Isaacs
3 années il y a

This song is beautiful through and through!

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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