Unraveling – Cory Asbury – Cory Asbury


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Louanges : Cory Asbury

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Victoryn ondobo
Victoryn ondobo
2 années il y a

The wonderful thing i love with God is that whatever you don't understand the language , the holy spirit can translate the message inside your heart if you need .It's my first Time to listen but surely not the last

Laquarius Laqua Pierson
Laquarius Laqua Pierson
2 années il y a

It is done ✔

Romy Cronenbold
Romy Cronenbold
2 années il y a

Thera are very few albums that worth every single song… this is one of those… full of talent and love.

Sheila Garrett
Sheila Garrett
2 années il y a

This song is so beautiful it makes you want to cry. Love to hear his heart in this song

Sunshine Mittens
Sunshine Mittens
2 années il y a

I can’t imagine the pressure Cory feels to have hit fame in such a big way yet his ability to channel his vulnerability in song is absolutely beautiful & courageous…& just makes us love him so much more ❤️

2 années il y a

Clothes lined by the Lord. This is the season I am in…. I need to bleed…

Kelly Makely
Kelly Makely
2 années il y a


Humberto Vargas
Humberto Vargas
2 années il y a

Psalms 34:17-18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit." Its ok to cry, but never let it control you ❤ may the God of peace be with your spirit ❤

Humberto Vargas
Humberto Vargas
2 années il y a

Read this if you want, we all fall short of Gods Glory, and broken Gods law (murder in the heart, and lust, etc) and there must be a punishment for sin, but the good news is that JESUS CHRIST TOOK OUR PLACE, we must repent and turn to Christ and don’t trust in your own understanding, Repent and put your trust in Christ…He who endures to the end shall be saved•The gospel⬇️https://youtu.be/Ty6jU3PFCds•Watch a poem "THE GREAT I AM"⬇️https://youtu.be/bYTypUb_Jc4American Gospel (movie):https://youtu.be/ocHm18wUAGUNO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OF HIS RETURN:https://youtu.be/y_X03KgGo8c

3 années il y a

I love this song

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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