When a Band Member Leaves the Tour | When the Light Comes with Big Daddy Weave


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Louanges : Big Daddy Weave

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Epiphany fiveofour
Epiphany fiveofour
3 années il y a

Thank you for sharing your real lives. Your recent vids answered a question I asked the Lord. I wanted to know how you stayed so “in Him” that you were always ready to minister without seeming to struggle thru bad days, faith shaking experiences. How to be “super Christian”. You couldn’t be fake – there’s that light in your eyes. Unmistakable. You know the One I know. Your music has had a front row spot in my life these last 2 years when as a believer, I hit a crossroad. God was inviting me to jump .and I did. Then I saw your “Alive” vid & was so excited. I showed my husband saying “This! This is what happened to me. They know Him – what it’s like” It’s been— and is a great & wild ride, but not always a smooth one. Not always understood. Your vids answered my question to God, & I admit I feel a bit like an idiot. You are in this struggle just as the rest of us. It’s Him that’s faithful, always able & ready. Not us. But then we’re never without Him, are we. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers from now on, We all need to be ministered to. God bless you

3 années il y a

BDW, I'm apologizing for the 6 other comments that have been left under your video. I've reported all of them.

Dayanara Lilah
Dayanara Lilah
3 années il y a

OMG ❤️

tild MatilMati
tild MatilMati
3 années il y a

Good. I wait for love from you

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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