Your steadfast love – Don Moen

Découvrez cette version live de la chanson d'adoration populaire "Your Steadfast Love" de Don Moen. L’Amour de Dieu remplit notre cœur de la paix, de la joie et la sécurité.

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À propos de cette vidéo

Découvrez cette version live de la chanson d'adoration populaire "Your Steadfast Love" de Don Moen. L’Amour de Dieu remplit notre cœur de la paix, de la joie et la sécurité.
Catégories : Musique
Louanges : Don Moen
Thèmes : Amour

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Jaira Fajardo
Jaira Fajardo
2 années il y a


Linda Burton
Linda Burton
2 années il y a

I'm really enjoying the additional sound of that organ sound. It is so rich and unique. After all these years, this song is still so relevant

Stella Mary
Stella Mary
2 années il y a
Catherine Esprela
Catherine Esprela
2 années il y a

March 15, 2022 and still declaring this song Thank you, LORD.

Jemima Chavez
Jemima Chavez
2 années il y a

Thank you so much friend for sharing always your videos it reminds often to our creator. More power and God bless!

Theresa j
Theresa j
2 années il y a

You are my King, Jesus …

geetha selvaraj
geetha selvaraj
2 années il y a

Praise the lord whenever I listen praiseing God i feel soo happy i thankyou lord you Blessed me i am ready for your call.

2 années il y a

You are my King, O Lord Jesus Christ, O LORD GOD Almighty.

Michael Hazell
Michael Hazell
2 années il y a

Thank you stead fast love

Larry Dominguez
Larry Dominguez
2 années il y a

We (all humanity) do not deserve ANYTHING from the Lord. That is "anything good." We definitely deserve ETERNAL DAMNATION. There are stupid folks..ignorant folks..who believe their place is in a mansion in heaven..eternal bliss with Almighty. How absolutely idiotic..imbecilic..moronic.. ridiculous.. take ur pic. We exist ONLY because of His mercy and Grace. We deserve nothing. Every day He gives us life and breath. What fabulous accomplishment do we do with it? Nothing. Phds..Master degrees..make money? Build things? What have you done to please Him? What have WE done? Nothing! Have we obeyed..have we given our pitiful lives to be sacrificed by the sword? So what? If we are ground down into the ground.. if we are murdered for the what ? Are we to be commended? Should the Lord give us special treatment? If you have come to this enlightenment..then l take my hat off to you..for Almighty has shown you too this tremendous insight. GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU. Remember we exist because and ONLY because of His mercy..and grace. Amen? Amen!

Picture of Christian Kinanga

Christian Kinanga

Fondateur d'ADNJ

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